w/c 4th September by Kate and Rayan



Hello there! And welcome to this week’s spectacular blog! 

This morning, we were doing decimals, maths and problem solving.

It was very difficult. On maths, we had to sort out all possible patterns for a Limousine. Highest was 27.

We also did our comic strips, and some bounceback! When we were doing our marvellous  comic strips… we had to write a comic strip about  chapter 10. Besides all of that, we had our daily mile.

And that was our fantastic Monday! 😀    




On Tuesday, we had Miss Ralston. She taught us about how plants grow, made us write about our experiment (A book or measuring graph for example) that we did later on today. After all of that.. Skip playtime, and  we did an experiment! We tried to see what would happen if we added fertiliser to our plants. We had three pots: No fertiliser, recommended amount of fertiliser, and too much fertiliser. We’ll get the result in a couple of months. After that, we also did some Globle!  The mystery country was Mexico. 🌎


When Mrs Allan came back to class, we did some more maths

Which was adding and times decimals which was a bit of a challenge but we all got there. We also did our boardwork, which was about finding out the greater number. It was a little confusing, since we had decimals to deal with. Near the end of the day, we did some interesting literacy.



On Wednesday we had to write about something from nature or an animal. Plus, we had to write a poem about that thing!

We then had awesome indoor P.E and in that P.E we did badminton!

After that, we played some fun games outside.

The games we did were Splat,It’s a bomb and Wall – E. It was so much fun! We then started some maths . In maths, we had a revision and had to correct our work from yesterday. In addition to that: We had to multiply decimals by 10, 100, and 1000! It was hard at the start, but as we did more and more, we got more confident with it!



On our very marvellous Thursday, we did a lot of Maths. It was about decimals. We worked on our Cloudbusting comic strips and some spelling.

In the afternoon, we started drawings based on the book “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse”.  We made many spectacular drawings.  the story was written by Charlie Mackesy.