w/c 28th August by Alfie B and Mehr


We started to read our new book called Cloud busting  and made notes on the characters

After break we did some Numeracy and Maths and then we played a game called  tick dot cross.

Then we did R.M.E about Humanism and we learned their beliefs.

After we did some health and wellbeing and learned about small problems and big big problems.



Miss Ralston came in and learned about different types of soil.We looked under a microscope of different types of soil which were sand,gravel,soil and compost. Then we added water and paint to the different types of soil.

Then we did some Spanish about the culture and Barcelona and then did a kahoot quiz about Spain.


After we did maths and we did the grid method multiplying 2 digits by 2 digit.



We read some more of our book Cloud Busting and read a couple of chapters.

In P.E we did some badminton.We got into groups of 4 and practised keeping the shuttle cock in the air across the gym hall.


In science we learned about 5 different types of clouds which were cirrus, cumulus , stratus,nimbostratus and cumulonimbus.

We did a factfile on a type of cloud, yes or no sheet to washing in different types of clouds, top trumps and made clouds out of cotton wool.


We did maths on mixed mental maths.


After break we did spelling on contractions , and did a page on it.

Then we did health and well being what would make a perfect teacher and Mrs Allan did what would make a perfect pupil. We learned that no-one can be perfect, but you should try and be the best “you”. Then we made “cloudbusting” towers and storage from kapla. 

After lunch, we did Flexible friday and outdoor P.E