w/c 21st August by Ace and Gabby

On Monday in the morning we watched a short video and we had to try and tell what it was trying to say by the music.-Ace


After break we did a fun maths game that involved place value and after the game we did adding and subtracting 99.- Gabby


After maths we did the daily mile outside. It was fun.- Ace


After lunch we did our class charter which was cheese and lego. We had to make little Lego characters with are names on them for the class charter and then people created wedges of cheese with rights in the holes of the cheese.- Gabby 

On Tuesday in the morning we had miss Ralston in and we made we made self portraits of ourselves and we made half of our face in realism and the other half made up of things we like.-Ace

After break, we played global and wordle with miss Ralston for a bit.-Gabby


After that we had Mrs Allan back in and then we did maths which involved x10 x100 x1000  Eg. 578×100=57800.- Ace


In the afternoon we finished off some work and things. Gabby


On Wednesday Morning we did Literacy which included looking at a new book called cloud busters by Malorie Blackman and we had to fill in a story mountain about all the chapters.-Ace


After break we did p.e in the gym hall and when we were in the gym hall we did a few games such as dodgeball, octopus and a game were we had hoops and we could only stay inside the hoops and try to get different things on the other side of the gym hall.-Gabby 

After lunch, we did a maths game which was number placing and then we found out the house captains.-Ace


After that, we did a small maths booklet which was  times tables some addition, subtraction and word problems to help Mrs Allan see how we get on.- Gabby


On Thursday morning we read some of our class book “Cloudbusting” by Malorie blackman.- Ace


After break we did some health and wellbeing which was about the circle of control and we had a task where we either cut and stick sheets of paper of we can and cannot control or write it in the circle instead-Gabby

We went outside for a brain break too.


After health and wellbeing we did R.M.E which was on humanism but we didn’t get to know much because we had to go to lunch because we took a long time on health and wellbeing.-Ace


After lunch we did some more Cloud Busting and wrote some similes.


w/c 14th August – first week back by John and Lucas

This week was our first exciting week in Primary 7.  We think that we are going to enjoy it.


On Wednesday we made name tags and tray tags so other teachers could know who we were.

After break time we had our daily mile. Some people ran, some people walked. After that we did a class picture and individual pictures. Some people made silly faces that were fun. At the end we did splat it was really intense.


 In the afternoon we did a STEM challenge where we had to make a name tag using only a piece of paper, a paper clip, string and 2 pipe cleaners. It was really fun and challenging. 


After break time we discussed our class charter. Half the class wanted cheese and half the class wanted lego. It was a hard decision. We had a compromise and some people were suggesting half lego and half cheese so that’s what we did.

(Thursday)In the morning we made birthday cards so when someone had a birthday they could pick a random card on their birthday.

On Thursday afternoon we did some art by Roy Lichenstein. Lots of his art was using dots and the design was mostly like comic strips.


On Friday we did some writing about what we would do if we could rule Crookfur primary School. We all loved it. It was so fun.

After break we did some numeracy we did some problem solving. Some were  hard others were much easier.

After lunch we did fast finishers like finishing art or making signs. If you didn’t have any you could read a book or draw/colour. Then we played silent ball outside and sorted the class jobs for next week.