w/c 30th January by Aisha and Isla

By – Aisha And Isla 


 Monday: We did P.E and the warmup people (Charlotte and Isla C) picked octopus tig. We’re now working on Cardio. We ran around the muga for 2 minutes then took a little break and did Head, knees, toes and snatch. To play the game you have to find a partner and put a cone in between you and Mrs Allan would shout out HEAD,TOES,KNEES or SNATCH. If she shouted HEAD you touch your head same for toes and knees but if she shouted SNATCH  you would try to take the cone from the  middle. Then we ran for another 2 minutes. After that we wrote down our spelling words for our homework.


We then did Imaginative writing. Some people used a picture for inspiration, others didn’t. 


Tuesday: We read chapters 6-7 in our class book remembrance. The book is about WW1 and the main characters are: Charlotte, Francis,Mrs Armstrong-Barnes ,John-Malcom,Maggie and Alex. We then tea-stained pieces of paper to make timelines with. The book is set in 1915 but is now changing to 1916.  


We then got given our homework for the week. 


Wednesday: We had P.E first thing in the morning. The warmup people picked Dodgeball for us to play. We then finished our mini olympics and counted up our scores! We’re still waiting for the results!! 


We worked on Speed in maths. Some people chose to do the trickier sheet and some chose the easier TJ page. 


Whilst we were doing maths some people went out with Miss Sime to work on our display.


Thursday: In the morning we had our literacy standardised tests. We worked on them for most of the day. They both had a volcano theme to them. 


In the afternoon we did art with Mrs Hutchinson and we made pinch pots with clay. We first had to condition the clay by kneading it and rolling it into a smooth ball when it was done. We then flattened the top and the bottom to make a cylinder shape, which we then stuck our thumbs into the middle of the top and twisted and turned them whilst pushing down to make a hole. We then pinched the top to make a rim and then hollowed out the inside even more to make the hole  bigger. We then used some water to smooth out any cracks in them. They all looked amazing when they were done.



In the morning with Miss Sime we were working on pie charts, line graphs and bar charts using the chromebooks.

We then had assembly after break where we were talking about friendship and our school values.

After lunch we worked on our IDL topic (WWI) where we are looking at the trenches.


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