Hi readers,
Welcome to this week’s blog post!
For this week’s writing, we looked at expanded noun phrases. We use expanded noun phrases to add more detail to our sentences by adding an adjective or adjectives to our nouns.
We looked at a video clip relating to our topic and completed activities to use the skill we have developed. One activity included a “5 senses carousel activity”. This involved us writing down phrases that linked to each of the senses.
Our challenge was to use expanded noun phrases and ambitious vocabulary. This activity helped us with our writing for this week where we produced a piece of writing based on the video we had watched.
Topic – World War 2
For our topic, we focused on the lives of evacuees during WW2.
We created luggage tags and posters that displayed lots of information about evacuees during WW2.
This week for French we revised colours. In pairs we played connect 4 to practice our language skills. The first person to get 4 in a row wins!
Thank you for reading this week’s blog post!