Friday 6th September 2024

Welcome to this week’s blog!


On Wednesday, we looked at 3 different structures of poetry. They were Limericks, Cinquains and Haikus. We created a short piece of writing for each of them.


On Wednesday, we used a volt for gymnastics. We jumped off the volt demonstrating a range of jumps. This included a straight jump, straddle jump, star jumps and full turns.

On Thursday, we went to the Muga and practiced dribbling and passing. We split up into 4 teams and played matches against each other.


We each created a personality island based on the movie ‘Inside out’. We drew different islands of our personalities and decorated them with aspects based on us.


With Mrs Lamont, we looked at circles. This included the circumference, diameter, radius and sectors. We solved questions about them and we calculated the height and the length. Also, we used only circles to design flowers.

Today, we were split up into 5 teams where one person was nominated to memorise a problem solving question and then recite it back to our teams. We then worked together as a team to solve the calculation.


We have been learning about Humanism and how we need to be kind to one another. We were split into groups and created a scenario based on kindness. Each group then presented back to the rest of the class.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for next week’s blog.