
Hi readers,

here is this week’s blog post!


This week , our maths lessons focused on Maths Week Scotland. We looked at maths story books and participated in a range of activities linked to each book.

Bean Thirteen

We first looked at the story book “Bean Thirteen” which focused on factors, prime and composite numbers. We all practiced identifying factors, prime and composite numbers using a hundred square.

Also, in pairs, we solved maths riddles that were placed around our classroom. We tried to solve as many problems as we could within 10 minutes.

IDL – Apprentice

Since this week was Maths Week, in our teams we created a story book based on the maths book “The Maths Curse”.  We created a range of maths problems within the book.

Thank you for reading this week’s blog! Hope everyone has a lovely September weekend.

Friday 20th September 2024

Hi readers,

here is what we got up to this week in P7a!


We revised Area and Perimeter, where we participated in a Scavenger Hunt. We measured sinks, jotters, desks and other items within our classroom using the skills we have learned.

Also, majority of the class have achieved a new record for our multiplication square challenge!


In our final lesson of gymnastics, we played “The Floor is Lava”,  where we used gymnastics equipment. We practiced our skills that we have developed and also used our teamwork skills!

We also continued with Hockey this week. We played lots of matches against each other to build on our skills. We played “Tents and Campers” as a warm up exercise. This was a game that we all really enjoyed!

IDL – The Apprentice

We got given a task by Sir Alan Lord to create a chocolate bar and logo in our teams. The chocolate bar was called Blazin’ Raisin and we came up with catchy slogans for the chocolate bar.  Our chocolate bar wrappers were sent to P7b, where they voted for their favourite wrapper design.

We are looking forward to our next challenge!


For writing this week we looked at STEAL to describe characters. We wrote about vampires, werewolves and witches. We created lots excellent writing with lots of examples of  powerful vocabulary.


We used the micro:bits again this week and followed a step-by-step video. In pairs we used the micro:bits to create a design and used inspiration from the video that we had followed. We have really enjoyed using them and building our confidence with creating new designs.

Thank you for reading this week’s blog post!

Friday 13th September 2024

Hi readers! Here is this week’s blog post.


On Wednesday, we made up some routines using the skills we have developed and learnt in gymnastics. At the end of the lesson, we got into partners and practiced some leap frogs and we created some pyramids!


We also did some fitness with Mrs Lamont where we played Fitness Bingo! It was challenging but so much fun.


We worked on circles where we completed a worksheet that was based on radius and diameter. We also challenged ourselves by completing a multiplication square in 10 minutes. Lots of us got a new record this week!

Writing – Character

This week for writing we looked at the “show not tell” technique, where we used powerful vocabulary to discuss a characters emotions. We worked in pairs to identify and highlight powerful vocabulary that authors have used within their writing.

For our writing, we looked at three scenarios and used what we learned to write about a character’s emotions.

Apprentice (Topic)

We got into our teams for our new Apprentice topic. We discussed a team name and created a logo. We also completed a challenge in our teams where we created a house only using 4 pieces of paper. We are really excited to continue this topic and work in our teams to participate in a range of tasks.


With Mrs Lamont we used the micro:bits to do a coding challenge. When you clicked “A”, it went up by one. However, when you clicked “B” the counter went down by 1. We also needed to add in background music and when the counter got to 20, it had to show the words “full”. When you click A and B at the same time, the screen goes blank and the music stops.


We learnt about organic and inorganic fertilisers. We made a presentation to discuss how they both work.

Growth Mindset – Brain vs a Calculator

This week we were placed into teams and discussed if our brains are better than a calculator. We came up with points that were for and against which started a mini debate in our classroom. Everyone was very engaged and shared excellent points!

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for next week’s blog post!

Friday 6th September 2024

Welcome to this week’s blog!


On Wednesday, we looked at 3 different structures of poetry. They were Limericks, Cinquains and Haikus. We created a short piece of writing for each of them.


On Wednesday, we used a volt for gymnastics. We jumped off the volt demonstrating a range of jumps. This included a straight jump, straddle jump, star jumps and full turns.

On Thursday, we went to the Muga and practiced dribbling and passing. We split up into 4 teams and played matches against each other.


We each created a personality island based on the movie ‘Inside out’. We drew different islands of our personalities and decorated them with aspects based on us.


With Mrs Lamont, we looked at circles. This included the circumference, diameter, radius and sectors. We solved questions about them and we calculated the height and the length. Also, we used only circles to design flowers.

Today, we were split up into 5 teams where one person was nominated to memorise a problem solving question and then recite it back to our teams. We then worked together as a team to solve the calculation.


We have been learning about Humanism and how we need to be kind to one another. We were split into groups and created a scenario based on kindness. Each group then presented back to the rest of the class.

Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for next week’s blog.