30th August 2024

Hi readers and happy Friday!

We started off our week by looking at many inspirational quotes. We all picked a quote each and then illustrated our chosen quote. This is how some of them turned out!

For PE, we continued learning new skills in gymnastics. We practiced our handstands and cartwheels. We challenged ourselves to try and do two skills in one sequence. Have a look at our handstands!

This week we also looked at micro:bits. We had to plug them into our chromebooks and pair them up to design a LED display. We found it challenging but very fun.

This afternoon we used the KAPLA to challenge ourselves to create the tallest tower. We even got some of the towers to be as tall as Miss Tenby and Miss McNeil!

Before assembly today, we found out our new P7 House Captains. Well done to everyone that became a House Captain and to everyone that applied, we are all so proud!

Stay tuned for next weeks blog!


P7a First Blog!

Hi readers!

It was our first proper week back at school and this is what we did:

We started reading our first class novel called “Cloud Busting”. We made predictions and we drew the characters that we have been introduced to.

We also looked at the book called “Wonder” and drew a self portrait based on the book.

“The book is about a boy called August and he has a facial deformity. The book teaches us to showcase our uniqueness.” Millie.

For PE, we did gymnastics in the hall and Hockey in the muga. We used the beams in and mats in gymnastics to practice balancing and stretches. In hockey, we practiced dribbling, shooting and passing.

With Mr Atkinson, we all completed a quiz to find out what our STEM job would be. We also learned about plants and their features.

“My job was a machine engineer. This means I would build planes, drones and cars.” Calvin.

“My Job was a marine engineer. I am excited to find out more information on this role.” Mason.

Over the summer, we have made house captain applications and worked very hard to show why we deserve to be voted for.  The whole school voted on Friday afternoon and we are so excited to find out our winners!

Stay tuned for next weeks blog post!