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Friday 26th January 2024

This week in P6b we have been learning about…



Some of the learners wanted to share what they have been learning about in maths this week and created mini lessons to share their knowledge.  They showed creativity and worked cooperatively with each other.


This week in literacy the learners continued working on Scots language. They converted their comic strips into imaginative stories. They also continued learning about apostrophes in grammar. Everyone enjoyed writing on the tables!


IDL – Bodyworks

This week the learners started their first bodywork’s lessons with Miss Nesbitt. They started by learning about the digestive system. Everyone is really excited to learn more about it on next week’s trip to the Science Centre.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!


From p6b and Miss McNeil

Friday 19th January 2024

This week in P6b we have been learning about…


Miss Nesbitt continued teaching Spanish this week. We revised the vocabulary for pets that we used in P5 then used this to create full sentences and have conversations.

This week’s writing lesson focused on exploring Scots language.  Mr Wilson introduced the class to a famous Scottish character, Oor Wullie. We used the text ‘Oor Wullie’ and a poem to create Scottish dictionaries then created our own comic strips!

Health and Wellbeing

This week in PE we have been working on our dance skills. We have been learning different Scottish Country dances. This week we learned the Gay Gordon’s and Strip the Willow. Miss McNeil was very impressed by how quickly everyone picked it up.


Other Curricular Areas

This week our committee members met up and continued working on their action plans.  Some of our reps also presented updates at todays assembly.

Today we enjoyed our house spirit afternoon. Have a look at Twitter for some photos from this afternoon.

This week we started planning our IDL topic with Miss Nesbitt and our new RME topic about important milestones with Mr Wilson. We also started our fundraising project. Next week’s homework task will provide more information about our project.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 12th January 2024

This week in P6b we have been learning…

Literacy and English

  • In the avengers we continued our book there’s nothing wrong about a boy whose mum is sick so he gets anxiety even when his mum gets better. In the lion king read our book Project bright sparks with Miss Nesbitt in the artpod. Project bright sparks is about a man who is very rich and he scammed people so he went to jail but escaped. Then there was a teacher at a school call Mr Spark and he was favouriting his daughter. But these two kids get suspicious and find out he is working for the rich man who escaped jail.
  • On Thursday with Mrs Nasar we did grammar. In grammar we learnt about apostrophes. We created a piece of art with ten flaps that had different types of contractions on them.
  • We did apostrophes in grammar and learnt that it is used to combine a word like should not become shouldn’t .
  • With Miss Nesbitt we learned Spanish. We learned how to pronounce different family members !
  • At spelling we have been learning about the spelling rule EL.
  • For reading we answered questions like what do the characters look like and what happens at the beginning of the book.


Numeracy and Maths

  • In the orangutans we were learning 3 different triangles, scalene, isosceles and the equilateral.
  • For maths we did 2D shapes with Miss Nesbitt and we learnt about different triangles.
  • We were doing 2D shapes and learning about lots of triangles and the proper names for them.
  • In maths me and my maths group have been learning about 3d shapes and their edges,corners,faces ect. It have been really fun learning about them!
  • we learnt the mathematical names of the three types of triangles. They were called scalene, isosceles and equilateral. We also learned a few differences between them, before I thought the scalene and isosceles were the same but then we were taught that one of them has no equal sides, and one has two equal sides.



  • In PE we did fitness stations like wall sits and push ups.
  • On Tuesday for P.E we did fitness and there was 8 different stations to do such as push ups, sit up, mountain climbers and burpees.
  • In P.E we did fitness. We had eight stations to do, some include mountain climbers, burpees, push-ups, relay races, sit-ups and wall squats.
  • On Monday we did P.E and we started of with some games then we went round and did little fitness groups where there was one area for wall sits and hula hoops and more.


Other News

  • We got club letters on Tuesday and some of them were dance with Miss Lamb and netball with Miss Orr.
  • In March we have a show and we are auditioning soon for it.
  • On Tuesday we made New Years resolution art.
  • On Thursday with Mr Wilson we were using the Knex to make a car, a bridge or a house they all had to have a moving contraption.
  • We did a welcome lesson for Miss Nesbitt and we played a quiz and guess what was true out of the three statements then we made a jigsaw piece about ourselves.
  • We did a practise K’nex challenge with Mr Wilson.


We had a great first week of 2024! We hope you have a lovely weekend.

P6b and Miss McNeil

Friday 15th December 2023

This week in P6B we have been learning about…


  • In maths, we practiced exchanging and carrying.
  • In maths, we focused on decimal fractions with division.



  • We got new group reading books. My book is called Project Bright Spark.
  • We did a piece of writing on how to steal Christmas and we wrote instructions. We had to include four sections: an introduction, things you will need, numbered list and a conclusion.
  • On Wednesday, we did handwriting and it was about Harry Potter.



  • On Friday we had PE. We focused on football and we played the numbers game.
  • On Thursday, we learned about our rights and what happens when they aren’t fulfilled. We also watched a video about a current situation where the rights of the child are not being met because of a conflict. We played a game called Promises, Promises to understand more.


Other Curricular Areas

  • We watched the P1 Nativity and it was Mrs Agnew’s class. The Nativity was about the story of the first Christmas. After we watched it we created good luck cards for our P1 buddies and the classes. I enjoyed it!
  • We had a STEM challenge and we had to try and make a sleigh. It was a knex challenge. It needed to hold three things and be able to move. If you wanted bonus points you needed to have a moving part or have a Christmas theme.
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, we made art pieces using pointillism. We had to use different shades of colours to add light and shadows. We used tooth picks and cotton buds.
  • On Monday some of the violinists had a concert at Eastwood.
  • On Monday we made props for the P1 and P2 Nativities. We made and painted doors and other props.

Friday 8th December 2023

This week in P6b…


  • We did comprehension about Argentina with Mrs Nasar. Some of us learned about Egyptian treasure.
  • In grammar we learnt about direct speech, in the task we had to add the speech marks and other punctuation in sentences.
  • In literacy we have been doing reports and our onomatopoeia poem that people have been finishing off and adding stuff to.
  • On Monday we got given our new reading books. I got the gargling gorilla!
  • On Thursday we learned about direct speech. Direct speech is when someone is speaking we use speech marks like “I want ice cream!” shouted the little girl.


  • At Eastwood I done netball. We did this thing where there were 2 people and were passing the ball back and forth and someone ran around doing a figure of 8 while trying to catch the ball.
  • In tennis we done some rallys after a warm up.
  • In growth mindset we learned about all the sections of the brain then drew it and labelled it after writing the functions.
  • In P.E we continued the sport that we had chosen, in netball we worked on different types of passing, intercepting and played a game.
  • In PE on Fridays we have been doing football and we have been learning skills and doing stations like passing the ball and more.
  • We did P.E at Eastwood but that was are last week before Christmas.
  • For health and wellbeing, we researched the nutritional values of different foods and drinks such as: fresh orange juice, Lucozade and peas etc.
  • In health and wellbeing we’ve been looking at the different parts of the brain.
  • In P.E we’ve been going down to Eastwood to do different sports such as rugby, football, hockey, athletics, netball and tennis.


Other Curricular Areas

  • In the JRSO’s we are going to vote for the best road safety poster next week.
  • We went over to the church to learn a bit about Christmas, there were Christmas crafts as well.
  • We made a colour wheel and with cotton buds or toothpicks we got to experiment with colors using pointillisim made by Georges Seurat.
  • On Wednesday we walked to the church to learn about Christianity. We took part in the ADVENTure trail.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 1st December 2023

This week in P6B we have been learning about…

Literacy and English

  • This week in literacy we were taking notes for writing a letter to Miss McNeil to let us to a topic we want to do.
  • We did a class lesson on personification. We wrote in our literacy jotters about some examples of personification about a dust storm. We also watched a video teaching us what personification is.
  • On Thursday we did a personification challenge. We had to choose an object and a verb to create a sentence.
  • On the Chromebooks we had typed up our letters we wrote on Friday and typed book reports on our group books we are reading.



  • On Thursday we did maths with Miss Ralston. We are working on angles and did a task where you write your name in robotics then write the angles that are in your name.
  • In maths we were looking symmetry and we were tracing out shapes and finding the lines of symmetry in them.
  • We did decimal adding and subtracting chimney sums. With Miss Ralston we done more angles and did an angles football game.
  • In maths we did decimal places. We had to add or subtract the decimal numbers together to get our answer.
  • With Miss Ralston we played a football angles game in pairs.
  • With Miss Ralston we did angles and we wrote our names and had to colour all the different angels one that was done we played an football game!


Health and Wellbeing

  • For pe we went to Eastwood and I did football. We did shooting drills and passing drills.
  • We learned about stereotyping and how people judge others. We did PE at Eastwood and we were all in different groups.
  • On Thursday we went to do our P.E. at eastwood, S and M did athletics.
  • We went over to Eastwood for P.E, we continued to focus on the sport we chose. In growth mindset we did a perfect teacher lesson.
  • In pe we did football we went in groups and did different football related things.



  • With Miss Ralston we made a sun and other planets and then we stopped learning about space and now we have started to look at  sound in Science.
  • We learned about sound in Science.
  • It was Committee Week. In RRS we made a video that will be sent to everyone in the school to learn about children’s rights.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

From Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 24th November 2023

This week in P6B we have been learning about…


  • In literacy we did a report on our group book we had to choose 4 chapters and do a report on them.
  • This week we have been learning about onomatopoeia and we made poems and art.


  • In maths we read decimals points of scales and we were also round them to the nearest whole number.
  • We were estimating and rounding. We were rounding to the nearest decimal.
  • In math with Mrs Ralston we are learning about angles and we wrote our name. We had to highlight or colour in all the angels like a straight angle, an acute angle, obtuse angle and more .


  • On Thursday for P.E we went in the gym hall for P.E we played lots of games such as secret tig and elephant football.
  • We did a debate about whether elderly people should use an ipad and we also talked about stereotyping.
  • On Thursday we went to the gym hall and played octopus and elephant football.

Road Safety Week

  • Since it is Road safety week this week we designed poster and we will vote one poster to go the Campus Cop!


  • With Miss Ralston we learnt about space, first we drew the planets on a sheet of A3 paper then took 9 of them to create a ginormous sun.

Friday 17th November 2023

This week in P6b we have been learning about…

Literacy and English

  • We started to work on our new spelling rule(ic).
  • On Thursday we done play scrips and started acting some of it out. We also got new books.
  • On Tuesday we started our new spelling sound which is /ic/.
  • In literacy we were focusing on persuasive writing and play scripts.
  • This week we did some acting in literacy everyone was in a group and you chose a person each and acted it out.
  • On Thursday we got a script to act out. I was Beth, S was the 1st lady, C was Harry, E was the 2nd lady, H was the Scragscutt, and L was the stage director. -M
  • Last week we created a product to stop your siblings from touching your PS5 and today we are creating a script for an advert for our product.- H
  • We presented our topic group presentations to some people from Miss Doig and Miss Daly’s classes.


  • With Miss Ralston we done angles. We learnt acute, obtuse, reflex, straight and right angles. Then if you were done you done a work sheet for football to see what angle would kick the ball.
  • We played a game where three people were up at the front and people drew an angle then they had to guess what angle it is.
  • We took part in a Virgin Money live lesson on Thursday morning. It was about budgeting.


  • On Tuesday for P.E we started dodgeball. We worked on our throwing , aiming and pace. Afterwards we played a game of Swedish handball where we worked as a team throwing the ball around trying to get the ball to touch the red line.
  • In health and wellbeing we were shown a power point about anti-bullying week and we discussed the difference between bullying and banter.

Book Week Scotland

  • In the afternoon we decorated potatoes with our buddies to help them with the learning of Supertato (the book they are reading).
  • On Tuesday, in the afternoon we met our p1 buddies, we all got potatoes and decorated them with pipe cleaners, paper and more, this linked to the book our buddies are reading (Supertato).


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 10th November 2023

This week in P6B we were learning about…


  • On Thursday we solved some maths problems. We used problem solving strategies. They include making an organised list, trial and error, act it out, working backwards and spotting a pattern. – A

Health and Wellbeing

  • On Tuesday we made learning passports and we were learning about growth mindset. -K
  • On Thursday we went over to Eastwood and did sports. My group did athletics and we played cups and saucers. Then we got into partners and tried not to drop the ball. Finally we threw javelins and tried to see who could throw the javelin the furthest. – R
  • Today at P.E. we played rounders. We were practising striking and fielding. – L

Literacy and English

  • Yesterday we designed a product based on a problem. We created a product that would protect someone’s PS5. – P
  • Today we made an advertisement poster for our product. I included persuasive features such as rhetorical questions, slogans and emotive language. – S
  • Today we made a poster. It tried to persuade people that the product would protect the PS5. – S


  • With Miss Ralston, we researched a specific planet. I researched Mars and found out the size, atmosphere and some other facts about it. -A
  • We learned about Remembrance Day and the importance of poppies. – M

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

From Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 3rd November 2023

This week in P6b we have been learning about…


Health and Wellbeing

  • On Thursday, we went to Eastwood to do our PE. I took part in the football group. We played a number game. – H
  • On Thursday, we went to Eastwood to do our PE. I did athletics. We did different types of races, like hopping and running. We also had to do ladders and the hurdles. If you lost the race you had to go back and do the hurdles again. – M
  • On Thursday we went to Eastwood for PE and I did tennis. For the warm-up we had to run from cone to cone. For our main activity we got into pairs and there were two cones. We had to hit the cones with the ball and whoever hit the cones first won. – E
  • On Thursday at the high school we did rugby and we played a game called 10 passes. You had to do 10 passes without the other team intercepting it. – L


Scotland versus the USA

  • We started planning our group talks and made the slides. Our group talks are about Scotland versus America. – A



  • We learned about Space with Miss Ralston. We discovered which planets were the closest and furthest away from the sun. – M
  • When learning about Space we also learned about the gas giants and the rocky planets. – S


Problem Solving

  • We enjoyed working in groups to solve different problems. We chose the best strategy to use and discussed it with each other.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

From Miss McNeil and P6B