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Final Post!

This is our final post of P6! Thank you for an amazing year, I hope you have a lovely weekend and I’m sure I will hear all about it in August.

Miss McNeil

Friday 14th June 2024

Over the last couple of weeks P6b have been learning about…


We have continued to develop our coding skills using Indy Cars, Scratch and OctoStudio. The learners enjoyed having the freedom to apply their skills in different ways. For example, learners created animations on Scratch that was based on their creative writing.

Keepie-Up Challenge

In celebration of the start of Euros 2024, the class entered the ERC keepie-up challenge.  I was very impressed by the cooperation and creativity showcased during this task.

Basketball Paisley

Thank you to Eden from Basketball Paisley for delivering the basketball training session this week. There was a lot of excitement and fantastic team work on show. Eden will be in contact in August with information about how learners can get involved in basketball after school clubs at Eastwood High School.  Children will also have the chance to try out for the Junior NBA in P7.

Have a lovely weekend!

P6b and Miss McNeil

Friday 31st May 2024

This week in P6B we have been learning about…


On Thursday we learned a new mental maths technique.  For example, 20-9. You could add 1 then answer 20-10.  Next add on 1. We have also been revising concepts we have learned in P6.


Today in writing we started exploring poetry.  We created a personal poem about ourselves. We learned about different features of poems, including the fact that all poems don’t have to rhyme.


We completed another lesson using Scratch.  We created an outer space animation and had to make the rock move in different directions.


We learned about gender stereotypes during health and wellbeing.  We explored fairness then shared our knowledge by creating a poster. In P.E. We continued our gymnastic lessons and focused on combining movement and balances.


We practiced our team work and cooperation skills during a warm-up.  We played man hunt together then explored the woodland in smaller groups.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

P6B and Miss McNeil

Friday 10th May 2024

It has been a very busy couple of weeks for P6! We delayed last week’s post until we had some photos from the colour run to share.

Colour Run

Everyone enjoyed participating in the Colour Run and fundraising for the school. We were extra tired as we ran the route twice and helped guide our P1 buddies around the course.

Solo Talks

We have been working hard to prepare our solo talks on a topic we are passionate about. It has been amazing to see such strong presentation skills on display but also the range of topics and passions within the class.

Wild Challenge

Our Woodland project for this term is to work towards completing the RSPB Wild Challenge. This week we surveyed the Woodland area and chose the challenges we would like to complete. Most of the class made a start and made a snail hotel.


Friday 26th April 2024

This week in p6b we have been learning about…


On Friday we were preparing for our RSPB Wild Challenge during Woodland. We explored the area then had some free time.


We continued to learn more about handball and have slowly increased more rules. It was amazing to see excellent cooperation and everyone having fun.


We started our new imaginative writing block this week. The learners focused on analysing introductions and created their own introduction based on a passage of their choice. Next week the pupils will create a new section of the story and learn about flashbacks!

Friday 19th April 2024

This week in P6b we have been participating in Crookfur’s Culture Celebration Week!

Venn Diagrams

For Maths we were creating Venn diagrams out of chalk to see the similarities and differences between two things. – SG

Me and CA created Venn diagrams about vehicles and had lots of fun outside! – AS

Free Choice Mornings

In the morning me and L have been practicing our K’Nex for our competition that is coming up.- EC

In the morning I have been building with Lego creating a mini McDonalds model working on my construction and engineering skills – SS

Since its Culture I have been going to the Mendi station and designing my own mehndi hand designs on a traced out hand. – TG

Book of the Week: The Most Exciting Eid

Using our knowledge of maths we used the book to compare the countries that celebrate Eid using Venn diagrams. – AV

We made graphs on the Ipads and created our own glossary looking at words that were in the book. -HN

In the most exciting Eid book we looked at the new language throughout and looked at the Arabic language throughout after that we discussed the different languages in our school and created signs for the door – LS

On Wednesday we created stories of either a real or made up experience based off the themes of the book that were Travel, excitement, family and celebration. – KR

Friday 28th March 2024

This week in P6b…

It is our final week of term 2! We had another busy week with our big show performances. Thank you to everyone for supporting the learners from helping them learn their lines, practicing the songs and putting costumes together. I was incredibly proud of everyone’s performances.

Today we said goodbye to Miss Nesbitt. We had a lovely afternoon reminiscing and celebrating.  We are all sad to see her go and I would like to thank Miss Nesbitt for her time, enthusiasm and commitment to supporting P6B this term. I hope you will join me in wishing her the best of luck as you starts her teaching journey in August.

Friday 8th March 2024

This week in P6B we have been celebrating World Book Day!

Our author of the week was Zanib Mian. She is the author of Planet Omar and we have been reading her books in class. Zanib created the book series after feeling that there wasn’t a lot of representation of Muslim individuals in children’s books.

The learners conducted an author study and created their own Project Zanib book covers and blurbs to showcase their knowledge of the author. We learned about her writing style and used this when creating our biographies.

We used the Planet Omar books in all of our literacy lessons this week, including reading skills and comprehension. On Monday we chose a character from the book and analysed them using the STEAL approach. On Wednesday we used an excerpt from Chapter 14 and focused on developing our dictionary skills. We used Blooket to assess our skills and there was a lot of excitement in the classroom!

We also completed the Grand Design Challenge and used our maths skills to calculate the area of the space. Next week we will vote for our winning design and begin revamping our Reading Corner.

We ended the week by reading with our P1 buddies and shared the excitement of reading.

EuroQuiz – On Tuesday we had a massive stage EuroQuiz then 4 teams went to the ERC heats. The teams were amazing!

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

From Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 23rd February 2024

This week in P6b…


  • We have been learning about coordinates. Miss Nesbitt made a massive coordinate grid on the floor for us to practice. We have also been playing battleships outwith maths time to practice.
  • We have been learning about data handling. We worked with Miss McNeil to learn about how influencers use data on social media. Then we created a survey project. The research is investigating the social media usage of P6 and P7 pupils.


  • This week we focused on characterisation using the STEAL approach. This helped us when we were creating our imaginative newspaper articles today.


  • Miss Nesbitt led our rebound block on P.E.  She taught us a new warm up game which focused on cooperation and strategising.

School Show

  • This week we started practicing the songs for our show, Mystery at Magpie Manor.
  • Everyone was told their role today. More information including lines will be given out towards the end of next week.
  • It has been extremely challenging for the teachers to decide on the roles as we were blown away by everyone’s auditions. We have created new roles and adapted roles from the original to ensure everyone who wanted a speaking part has one. We cannot wait to see you perform your roles on 26th March.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 2nd February 2024

This week in P6B we have been learning about…

Literacy and English

We created our first drafts of our recipes for the Crookfur Cookbook. Everyone used Miss McNeil’s example to help us to create our success criteria.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been learning about resilience and our bouncebackability. This week we explored body language clues associated with different emotions and the support measures available to us if we find it challenging to manage our emotions.

Knex Challenge

We completed the class Knex challenge. Each pair was scored out of 100. Well done to E and L who won and will be representing p6b in the stage competition.


This week we were learning about the lungs. We investigated the number breaths we took before and after exercise then compared the two variables. We then discussed why our breaths increased.

At the end of the week we enjoyed our trip to the Science Centre where we learned even more about our bodies. Look out for next week’s blog for more information.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!


From Miss McNeil and p6b