Friday 20th September by Erin H and Safa


On Monday we did some math in the morning and in the afternoon we had Mr Atkinson in the STEAM room. In the STEAM room each table was given an energy source and we had to research advantages about our group and disadvantages about other groups.



On Tuesday we had Mr Atkinson again and  we used our research from Monday to make posters and scripts. Then we said our debates in the court yard. First it was hydropower against gas and oil and then biomass against nuclear.  We did numeracy too.

In the afternoon we were joining paper and used different techniques like flange, folds and tabs.


On Wednesday we had PE and then we did our imaginative stories in writing. After lunch we did finished the Stem paper joins by adding slots. Then we planned our castles or schools to make next week. We have enough cardboard to build a new life-size school!



On Thursday we did reading and literacy in the morning then we did maths. In the afternoon we did some programming with the micro bits to create pictures and words to practise for our cardboard building next week.  We will use microbits and the Make-Do.



On Friday we did maths.  We did symmetry.  We used the chromebooks, worksheets and tracing paper to help find lines of symmetry and show which shapes had lines of symmetry.  Then in the afternoon we finished our week with PE on the MUGA.