Friday 10th January 2025 by Anabelle and Cayla


In the morning we did colouring in 2025 sheets. Then we did Literacy. In literacy we did our spelling booklets and work on our reading books . After break we did maths and then after lunch we had Mr Atkinson.  We went to the steam room and did partner work for our models for Upstream Battle.



In the morning we did we did maths .After break we had Mr Atkinson and we did maps for the Upstream Battle competition. Then we looked on the ipads to look for ideas to make stuff for the competition. in the afternoon we made booklets that made us think about what we wanted to stop this year, what we did well last year and new Years resolution.



We did maths and PE in the morning.  We had a very exciting gymnastics lesson where the man who was fixing the Opus system was singing during our lesson.  We gave him a round of applause because he was a brilliant singer.  In writing we did “What we didn’t do in the holidays” where we took a real event and changed it to make an imaginative stories

In our stories:

  • Brussel sprouts came live
  • people teleported into films and games and lands made of sweets
  • dreams came true or took over
  • Christmas trees started talking!

We made our Reach for the Stars display using zentangle arms that are good for mindfulness.


In the morning we did Literacy.  We worked on Nelson Comprehension. We worked so hard that we got a little extra break time!

In the afternoon we did some Numeracy and some talking and listening activities were we showed that we are very good at listening.