Friday 4th October


On Tuesday we did maths in the morning we were doing angles and times tables then we had breaktime. after break we had Mr Atkinson and we started our sustainable cities out of cardboard . The challenge was we only had tinfoil, sellotape, scissors and cardboard. We will finish our cities next week. Then we did some comprehension about Richard Branson. After the October holidays, we will do the Grow your £5 challenge which was created by Richard Branson.


On Wednesday we did some maths in the morning then we went to PE and the P7s came. The P7s led us in fitness exercises in groups.  they helped challenge us with harder exercises but helped with easier ones too.  for writing this week, we used our literacy task to help write a chronological report about Richard Branson.  After lunch we went on Google Docs to test our knowledge. We made text bigger, smaller, different colours and inserted images.  We changed the fonts too and added an emoji to show how we felt about the task. We finished our display of our Makedo models too. finally, we did computer thinking to write instructions on how to draw monsters.



Miss Lamb and Mr Wilson came to watch us to maths today and they asked a small group questions about what they liked to do in Maths.

In Health and Wellbeing, we looked at bounceback about worries and catastrophising and watched some stories to help us understand.

In French, we had French instructions about body parts and how to draw them.