Thursday 26th September by Grace and Tait


On Monday we did Maths in morning. We read our Maths Week Scotland book called “The Lion’s Share” about fractions. The characters in the book shared a cake by cutting in half lots of times.  Then we did some literacy up until lunch with our Big Cat books.

After lunch we did a bit of French  to learn vocabulary for body parts. Then Mr Atkinson took us to the S.T.E.A.M room and we finished our debates and started looking at renewable energy around Scotland.


On Tuesday we started with Maths, looking at equivalent fractions using fraction walls and multiplication rules.  After that we had Mr Atkinson up until lunch. We were finishing our renewable energy maps around Scotland. Then we got our homework then we did nouns adjectives and verbs and adverbs. We walked around the classroom to find these.


In PE we did bench climbers, mountain climbers, ladders, shuttle runs. Two weeks ago, we did the exercises and set targets for ourselves.  Most of us hit our targets!

We started  our chronological report looking at the history of LEGO.

In the afternoon, we started our Make-do models of castles or magical schools. Some of us worked on microbits to add these to our models.


This morning we did handwriting and some comprehension work. We finished our Maths Week Scotland work by cutting the cake on paper to show the tiny fraction the ant got left.

As soon as we finish the blog, we’re finishing our models!


What we’ve learned about fractions:

  • One half is one half because it’s got a two at the bottom and it’s in two pieces.
  • The numerator is the top and the bottom is the denominator.
  • The smaller the denominator, the bigger the fraction (and the bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction).
  • You can do fractions on a number line.
  • We learned that not all fractions are equivalent.
  • If you’re finding a fraction of a number, you divide it by the bottom number (denominator) To find a fifth of a number, divide by 5!
  • The number on the top is the number of the pieces that are shared of coloured, the number on the bottom is the number of total pieces.



Friday 20th September by Erin H and Safa


On Monday we did some math in the morning and in the afternoon we had Mr Atkinson in the STEAM room. In the STEAM room each table was given an energy source and we had to research advantages about our group and disadvantages about other groups.



On Tuesday we had Mr Atkinson again and  we used our research from Monday to make posters and scripts. Then we said our debates in the court yard. First it was hydropower against gas and oil and then biomass against nuclear.  We did numeracy too.

In the afternoon we were joining paper and used different techniques like flange, folds and tabs.


On Wednesday we had PE and then we did our imaginative stories in writing. After lunch we did finished the Stem paper joins by adding slots. Then we planned our castles or schools to make next week. We have enough cardboard to build a new life-size school!



On Thursday we did reading and literacy in the morning then we did maths. In the afternoon we did some programming with the micro bits to create pictures and words to practise for our cardboard building next week.  We will use microbits and the Make-Do.



On Friday we did maths.  We did symmetry.  We used the chromebooks, worksheets and tracing paper to help find lines of symmetry and show which shapes had lines of symmetry.  Then in the afternoon we finished our week with PE on the MUGA.

Friday 13th September by Inaaya and Jessica

Class blog



In the morning we copied out our spelling words into our jotters and marked our homework. We did some literacy with Miss Dearie and Mrs Allan.


We tried to finish our silhouettes on our tinting artwork but we ran out of time!

In the afternoon Mr Atkinson came and we finished our energy sources (renewable and non-renewable) Top Trumps cards and played a competition.



On Tuesday we copied our homework for this week we put bookmark on Math and Mrs Allan told us our reading and comprehension.

After break we played top trumps again with Mr Atkinson with a number wheel. Then we watched videos about Scottish renewable energy and looked at maps of different renewable energy types.


We completely finished our art work in the afternoon. Then we used different pencils to shade. Some were thicket than others and some were darker than others, some were softer and blunter.  We used different techniques like stippling (noisy!) and cross hatching.




We did some maths in our groups, some were with Mrs Allan, Miss Dearie and Mrs Nasar.

We did more fitness in PE.

In writing, we focussed on our imaginative character using STEAL. this means:



Effect on other people

Actions and


In the afternoon we did heath and wellbeing about online friends.



We did some reading and worksheets with our Big Cat books. We did maths after that.

After lunch we did French with Miss Dearie. We started with the welcome song, then we played a conversation game about age, where we live and what we like.  Then we did an All about me worksheet called c’est moi!

Friday 6th September by Cameron and Sophia W


On Monday we did maths.  we were doing times the 3 and 6 times tables and we did literacy and reading. We went into the STEAM room and we finished our IDL covers. In our IDL jotters we had bits of paper with advantages and disadvantages of  renewable and non-renewable energy.


We practiced our new spalling words using BSL or morse code.


We did Maths and then with Mr Atkinson we finished our renewable and non-renewable matching. Then we made Top Trump cards of energies.  In health and wellbeing we did a growth mindset, which means that we know that we will be able to do something.  A fixed mindset is when you say you can’t do something and you say mad things to your mind.  We also talked about our “stuck stories”.  We also learned a little bit about the Learning Pit.



We did our writing about our magical stories. we did the dilemma and resolution, based on our fabulous setting from last week.  We did art where we tinted light colours to darker colours.  We had a practice sheet before working on the real thing.  In PE, we were running, skipping, jumping and backward walking and trying to keep in touch with everyone else. At the end of PE we were running to find out our pace to run for one minute.


On Thursday we did maths word problems we also did literacy  with our Big Cat books and we also did French and health and well being.

In Health and wellbeing we made friendship soup, with ingredients like a bag of kindness; 2 cups of safety; a pinch of arguments; a pint of trust and a handful of helpfulness and a drop of falling out.  We also talked about how to make friends.


On Friday we were doing  problem-solving and building Olympic medal stand with cubes and working out how many cubes we needed.

In literacy we were learning about collective nouns and proper nouns.  on our worksheets we added capital letters where we needed them for proper nouns and a quiz on the names of collective nouns.