
Bumble Bear

Bear came to visit P5a this week.  Annie and Finlay go to the same Brownies and are in the same six.  Every member of their six gets the opportunity to take bear on adventures for a week, then get to feed back to their six what they have done through pictures and notes in a diary.

This week I go t to take home the bear and I’ve planned lots of fun things we can do and take pictures of.  I like Bumble Bear more that the owls we had at our old Brownies.  Annie

At our old Brownies we had a big owl called Mr Brownie and a little owl called Chocolate Chip.  I think I prefer Bumble Bear.  Finlay

Grow Your £5

Our product production lines have been in full swing this week.

My group made marshmallow snowmen and we put them in little bags.  It was easy to draw the faces and buttons on them, but it was a bit tricky to put them in the bags.  Ephraim


In literacy this week, we worked in our ‘Grow Your £5’ teams to write instructions as to how to make our products.  We worked as a team to generate clear instructions using time connectives, adverbs and connectives to give reason for some of our instructions.  The end result has been fabulous.