Category Archives: Uncategorized

25.08.24 – P5a

This week we started learning how to play hockey.

It was fun! – Harley

I really liked learning how to dribble. – Abby

I just like the sport in general. – Ibrahim

I liked doing the shooting. – Adam

We also started reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone as our class novel.

It’s good! – Lewis

It’s so magical! – Mariia

I like learning about Harry Potter and I would like it to be our topic. Aayshah

It is very interesting! – Ibrahim

This week we done a maths assessment and revised vertical addition and subtraction.

It was a little bit hard. – Mariia

I really liked doing vertical calculations. – Rose

Our First week in P5a!

Welcome to P5a’s new Blog!

We can’t wait to share our learning with you across the year.

P5a have settled  into their new classroom and have had a great week building new friendships.

P5a  have enjoyed lots of practical getting to know you games such as board games, team challenges and conversation games.

We look forward to updating you with our learning as we progress throughout the year.