All posts by Elaine Bennett


Diwali – Rangoli Patterns

“We made Rangoli Patterns out of leaves and chalk.” – Rayna

“We had to make sure they were symmetrical and these were used to celebrate Diwali.” – Aayshah

Virgin Money – Make Your £5 Grow

“We watched a live lesson about how to make your £5 grow but making a profit by selling lemonade.” – Lewis

“To make a profit you must first spend your £5 on supplying your business but you have to remember to make smart decisions!” – Magnus

We had to use our maths skills to complete calculations.

Football Coach

“In P.E we played football.  We had a visitor  called Logan who taught us how to do turns and passes.” – Sadie

“We made 4 teams and played short games against each other; it was great fun!” – Ben H

“We had a penalty shoot out at the end.”- Kayla


Anti- Bullying Week

We read a book called ‘A Spot of Kindness’ and it told us why you should be kind to each other.

“We each got an anti-bullying band that says ‘Ask me why I’ve got this wristband’ –  it represents kindness.” – Daanya

When we look at our band we need to remember to be kind to one another and think before we speak.

“We made odd socks to show that everyone is different and we all have to treat each other the same way. “- Matthew




Science Centre Trip

Our trip to the Science Centre was AMAZING! 10/10

“My favourite thing was putting the ball into the tube when the air is coming out and when I took my hand away the ball would shoot through the tubes and aim at the net.” Daanya

“I really liked the ‘Climate Change’ show.  I liked all the  experiments Richard did and all the loud noises and colours.”  Mariia

“The best one was the wind.  My friend hit the drum and the air made my hair and face move.” William

“There were lots of fun illusions to do.”   Ibrahim

“It was really fun to run in the spinning thing, I felt like a hamster.”  Matthew

“I liked seeing my skeleton when I was cycling.” Daanya

“I really liked the pin wall that you could lean into and leave your imprint.” Lewis

We all really enjoyed our trip and would love to go again.

Happy Diwali! 😊


This week we have been consolidating our learning about Scotland and China.

We have worked in pairs and trios to research the final topics we wanted to learn about.  We compiled what we have learnt about both countries onto a Google Slide, then made a fact file/brochure about one of the countries we have been learning about.

Two girls in our class helped us to learn some Chinese writing.  We were very curious about the way in which the words are formed and the order in which the strokes must be made for the words to be legible.  We also learnt that Chinese books are read from the back to the front and that the words are read from the top to the bottom of a page.

We are looking forward to our trip to the Science centre next Friday. 🙂



Welcome back!

We enjoyed sharing our holiday news with each other after our October break.

This week we completed our Chinese inspired dragon art with Miss Campbell.

In Outdoor Learning, we added our ideas to our LEAF Challenge action plan, then headed outside to estimated the height and age of trees in the playground.

  1. First we turned our back to the tree we had chosen.  Then we bent forward and looked between our legs to see the tree.  We then walked forward until we could see the tip of the tree between our legs.

2. Then we measured from our partner’s feet to the tree trunk with a metre stick or a trundle wheel.

3. Then we measured the length of the person’s leg that had walked from the tree to where they could see the tip of the tree between their legs.

4. Finally, we added the distance from the tree to the length of our partner’s leg to give us an  estimated height of the tree.


Some of us estimated the age of trees by measuring the circumference of the tree and dividing this number by 2.5, as trees grow an average of 2.5cm in diameter every year.

“We have been learning how to reflect shapes and patterns in lines of symmetry. ” Oliver

“Today some of us were able to make patterns with Lego using two lines of symmetry.” Lewis

After a three week break, we were back learning how to play different games in hockey.  We played line ball, no goalie and number ball. We were learning how to manage and referee the games ourselves.

This afternoon we made cogs to replicate what happens inside a wind turbine, as we have been learning about ‘Powering the Future.’ We learnt that smaller cogs have more rotations a minute than a larger cogs.

This week we learnt that P5 are going to participate in the Leaf Challenge as part of the Forrest Schools initiative.  We have lots of ideas about what we could do to look after our school environment, but we have yet to agree on our action plan.


‘Maths in Motion’

As part of Maths Week Scotland we used the website to program characters to do different activities.

‘It was fun doing coding on the Chrome books!’ Matthew


As it was so wet this week during our outdoor learning time, we decided to draw symmetrical pictures of insects.

We we worked in groups to create maths games.  We decided as a group what our theme was and created a range of board games and escape rooms.

We also created a dance where we had to follow a sequence to the beat of music.

‘I really liked doing the dance.’ Aayshah

‘The dance was really fun.’ Mariia


This week we enjoyed creating Harry Potter potions during our outdoor learning time.


Following our Outdoor Learning time we used air drying clay to make Harry Potter sculptures to put in our Woodland Area to inspire creative play amongst our peers.  Initially we found the clay quite hard to work with, but once the clay heated up and we used a bit of water to moisten it, we were able to create lots of great sculptures.

Harry Potter!

Sorting Hat

Hogwarts Express


We hope everyone has a great September weekend no matter what you have planned.


This week we have started learning about China as part of our comparison study with Scotland. We learnt that Beijing is the capital of China.  We identified where the Great Wall of China is on a map.  The Great Wall of China was built to separate the people in the north of China from those in the south. We learnt that the shape of China on a map looks a bit like a chicken.

We then chose a Scottish city to compare with a city in China.  We identified the population, landmarks, local food and drinks found in both cities.

With Miss Campbell we have been learning about Scottish artists.  Using the Scottish artist Steven Brown for inspiration, we have created our own ‘McCoos’ using line and colour.

This week, we started looking at art by the Scottish artist Gillian Kyle.  We started creating our own Tunnock’s tea cake design using lines to create a pattern.


This week we began our outdoor learning.  We learnt how to identify trees by their leaves.

We managed to find a lady bug!

Once we identified the trees in the woodland area, we done some leaf rubbings.

We discovered we had lots of Beech trees in the Woodland Area.  However, we were disappointed to find we don’t have have any Horse Chestnut trees, therefore we won’t have any conkers in the autumn.

This week we identified Scottish mountains using atlases. We used the key in the atlas to colour the mountain ranges to show how high they are.


We have continued to develop our dribbling skills in hockey this week.  We managed to completed a drill where we were passing the ball to one another in the shape of a Union Jack.  We are proud of ourselves for this achievement.

We enjoyed the challenge of collecting a hockey ball from the centre of the field and shooting at the nearest goal before our friends.

In maths, we have been working on a range of skills which include revising or learning new times tables and learning how to interpret data from a range of different graphs .

This week we enjoyed creating fact files about Scottish landmarks.  We enjoyed using the Chrome books and creating our fact files on a Word document.  This allowed us to use a range of ICT skills.

We have also written imaginative stories using a Scottish castle and forest in our setting.