
Problem Solving

We have started looking at lots of different strategies to solve numeracy problems.  Over the last two weeks we have tried making a model, act it out, reason logically and guess check and improve.


Grow Your £5

We have had a few busy lunchtimes over the last couple of weeks in preparation for our Grow Your £5 event at Wednesday night’s Parent’s Night between 4.30pm – 7.30pm.  We will take turns to sell our products and hopefully meet our target sales.

World Thinking Day

“All of the Scouts, Beavers, Brownies, Cubs and other groups were able to bring in their uniforms and sashes. It was really fun.” – Abby



Water Density Experiment

We mixed fresh water with food colouring, then mixed in salt water.  We learnt that salt water is denser than fresh water, therefore the salt water sank to the bottom of the cup and the coloured fresh water stayed at the top.

Grow Your £5

This week we have created a company logo and created our shopping list of items we require to create our product.  We have learnt how to sell our product for a profit too.   We have estimated our predicted sales based on the number of products we think we can make and calculated our predicted profit.