Welcome Back!

We are delighted to be back in school and working together again. We had great fun both indoors and outside this week!

In literacy we enjoyed some active grammar lessons where we chose the correct word class by running to the correct corner. We defined noun, verbs, adjectives and adverbs and gave some fantastic examples of how we can use them. We also practised our skills in letter writing, clarifying, finding key words and answering different types of questions.

In maths we have started a new block of teaching on time. We looked at what we already know, how we use time in our everyday lives and expressing times in different formats. We created our own analogue clocks to explore the relationship between minutes past and minutes to the hour and had great fun solving the clues to a units of time scavenger hunt to reveal the secret message. We also spent some time focusing on place value, multiplication and subtraction with exchange.

In P.E we have moved on to a new block of learning in hockey. We looked at controlling the ball using dribbling, passing and trapping, working as a team and some of the other rules of the game.

In Health and Wellbeing we have been creating our own tree of life. We started by looking at what makes us unique and our own blend of abilities and talents. We looked at ways we can care for and respect ourselves and others. We talked about the special people in our lives who can help us and what our hopes and dreams for the future are.