Graphs, Writer’s Craft and Antibullying.

In music we have been looking at pitch using the glockenspiels. We also looked at call and response and copied and created patterns of long and short sounds.

Within our topic we have been learning more about the problems plastic pollution is causing in our world and how global warming is affecting animal habitats.

In maths we have been using Microsoft Excel to create bar graphs. We have focused on scale and labelling graphs correctly. We also collected a range of items outdoors and used them to create tables and graphs so we could compare amounts. We have also been looking at function machines, division and a range of mental maths strategies.

In literacy we have been working on writer’s craft, where we have to continue a story using the characters and events given. This has really helped us to focus on the 5 elements of characterisation – speech, thoughts, effect on others, actions and looks (STEAL) and look at writer’s techniques and style.

We had a visit from PC Waters who spoke about anti bullying and the importance of speaking to an adult if we see or hear something that is not kind.  We explored and identified a range of bulling behaviour and discussed the impact that unkind words and actions can have on others.