Book Week, Pirates and Our Planet.

Book Week

As part of book week Scotland this week, we watched an Authors Live event from Pamela Butchart.  She discussed her book where pupils at a school suspect that one of their teachers is a werewolf. We read excerpts from the book which gave us clues that the teacher might be a werewolf, considering the character’s speech, thought, effect on others, actions and looks we then drew our own characters, – aliens, werewolves and other creature that were pretending to be a human.

We had to label the drawing to show the features that might give us some clues as to what they actually were like abnormally sharp teeth or fingernails. We had great fun guessing each other’s.

We also looked at the importance of a good blurb and how they are used to hook the reader in and encourage them to want to read the story. We had a go at creating our own blurbs for books we had read or stories we would like to write and looked at effective language and how humor or tension can be used to engage a reader.

We also enjoyed reading for enjoyment, listening to stories over the tannoy and taking part in the Mad Hatter’s Tea party.


In writing we used the pirate characters we had created the previous week to write a story about 3 pirates that were shipwrecked on a desert island. We looked at what problems they might encounter such as lack of food or dangerous animals living on the island and how they would overcome these problems. We explored the 5 elements of character within our writing looking at speech, thought, effect on others, actions and looks.

Our Planet

We have started our new topic called Our Planet and came up with a list of things we would like to find out more about. We have been looking at the effect of humans on the planet and some of the problems that have been created such as pollution, waste and endangered species. We have undertaken some independent research and shared some of our findings in class. We have also been looking into the problem with plastic and what we can do to reduce our use of plastics and recycle more. We designed posters to encourage others to do the same.


In P.E we have been developing our tennis skills further looking at small games, marking out small courts and looking at how to score points.