What we have learned and loved!

Here are some of our highlights from this year……..

I am most proud of how I have developed my art skills. I really enjoyed making clay models to look at the fine details of bird’s feet and how they are used in landing and take-off.

I liked exploring the new woodland area during outdoor learning.

I learned lots of new things about microbits. I had to programme it to make tunes, words and signs.

In P.E I was able to create my own movements and dance sequences. I had to use the space around to create a piece to music.

I love writing. I am much better at writing and I have learned lots about rhyming poems. I am very proud of the poems I wrote this year.

I now have a better understanding of fractions. I can simplify them and make equivalent fractions.

I learned all about Titanic and all the things that led to the tragedy.  I learned about how the ship was designed and built and all the different people involved.

I enjoyed learning about black history through the Heartstone project. I have learned more about influential people and historic figures such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King.

I have learned all about decimals. I now know how many tenths equal one whole and how to recognise and write decimals.

Here are some photo highlights from the past few weeks………

We are so proud of you all and all you have learned and achieved this school year. We hope you have the most fantastic summer break and wish you all the very best for P6.

Mrs O’Meara and Miss Bishop