Learning about others and working together.

Outdoor Challenge

We had to work together in teams with limited equipment to  complete our outdoor challenge this week. We showed some great team working and problem solving skills to get our whole team from the path to the fence without touching the grass.



In maths we have been learning about volume and were estimating and measuring the capacity of a wide range of containers. Our estimations got more accurate with greater practice and we were able to convert measurements from millilitres to litres and vice versa.


In literacy we have been looking at ways to develop our sentences using adverbs and adjectives to improve and up level our sentences.

Global Festival

As part of Crookfur’s Global festival we looked at the different languages spoken in our classroom and some pupils shared their languages with others showing us how to say and write a range of different things . We also enjoyed some Bollywood dancing and looked at different playground games from around the world.


In P.E we had great fun completing some house really races and challenges and earned lots of points that will all go towards the end of year house cup points totals. We also created our own games using a range of different equipment.

Bike Ability

We had a great time working on our movement and coordination skills as part of our bike ability lessons. We worked hard to ride with balance and control and were able to steer round objects and coordinate braking and pedalling both quickly and slowly in a wide range of fun games and activities.