What we have learned and loved!

Here are some of our highlights from this year……..

I am most proud of how I have developed my art skills. I really enjoyed making clay models to look at the fine details of bird’s feet and how they are used in landing and take-off.

I liked exploring the new woodland area during outdoor learning.

I learned lots of new things about microbits. I had to programme it to make tunes, words and signs.

In P.E I was able to create my own movements and dance sequences. I had to use the space around to create a piece to music.

I love writing. I am much better at writing and I have learned lots about rhyming poems. I am very proud of the poems I wrote this year.

I now have a better understanding of fractions. I can simplify them and make equivalent fractions.

I learned all about Titanic and all the things that led to the tragedy.  I learned about how the ship was designed and built and all the different people involved.

I enjoyed learning about black history through the Heartstone project. I have learned more about influential people and historic figures such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King.

I have learned all about decimals. I now know how many tenths equal one whole and how to recognise and write decimals.

Here are some photo highlights from the past few weeks………

We are so proud of you all and all you have learned and achieved this school year. We hope you have the most fantastic summer break and wish you all the very best for P6.

Mrs O’Meara and Miss Bishop

This week in P5a

Sports Day

On Monday afternoon we had a wonderful time during our Primary 5 sports day. We worked in our houses to earn points on different sports activities then cheered each other on during the races. The space hopper race was definitely a favourite!


We worked on different activities to learn more about birds and how they fly. We watched a video about wing types, read about wing structure and created our own labelled bird illustrations.

Health and Wellbeing

This week we continued to think about worries and how we could manage these. We learnt about the physical effects of worry and all thought of our own strategies that we could use to help ourselves in the future.

Learning about others and working together.

Outdoor Challenge

We had to work together in teams with limited equipment to  complete our outdoor challenge this week. We showed some great team working and problem solving skills to get our whole team from the path to the fence without touching the grass.



In maths we have been learning about volume and were estimating and measuring the capacity of a wide range of containers. Our estimations got more accurate with greater practice and we were able to convert measurements from millilitres to litres and vice versa.


In literacy we have been looking at ways to develop our sentences using adverbs and adjectives to improve and up level our sentences.

Global Festival

As part of Crookfur’s Global festival we looked at the different languages spoken in our classroom and some pupils shared their languages with others showing us how to say and write a range of different things . We also enjoyed some Bollywood dancing and looked at different playground games from around the world.


In P.E we had great fun completing some house really races and challenges and earned lots of points that will all go towards the end of year house cup points totals. We also created our own games using a range of different equipment.

Bike Ability

We had a great time working on our movement and coordination skills as part of our bike ability lessons. We worked hard to ride with balance and control and were able to steer round objects and coordinate braking and pedalling both quickly and slowly in a wide range of fun games and activities.