Habitats, Health and Hockey

Outdoor Learning

This week we worked together in small groups to look at building and creating a habitat for birds. We looked at different features and materials such as insulation to keep birds warm and materials that would protect the eggs and keep the structure together.

Some groups explored different features such as the use of a roof to provide shade and shelter from different weather. We also thought about food supplies particularity for the young birds. Some nests were buried in a hole to provided protection and stop it being blown away.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In Maths we have been using calendars to sort, organise and find information. Some of us have also been continuing to work on equivalent fractions and have learned how to simplify fractions. We have also been continuing work on estimating and rounding and exploring chance and probability.


In literacy we have been looking further at persuasion in both reading and writing. We were able to identify a range of features such as word choice, questions and other opinions that are used to try to encourage or convince us to do something or think a certain way. We explored the use of rhetorical questions and quotes within film posters and book blurbs.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been working hard to create our own food product using all that we have learned about what foods are made up of to come up with something tasty and attractive to others. We used what we have learned about persuasion to create adverts to convince others to buy our products.


In P.E we have been exploring different positions in hockey such as goal keeper, defender and forwards and have developed our game to look at positioning on the pitch and working together as a team.

Our learning in P5a


In writing we have continued to develop our knowledge of persuasive techniques in different ways. We worked together to sort examples of persuasive techniques and identified examples in texts.

Health and Wellbeing

We discussed and researched food allergies as part of our food and nutrition topic. We also learnt about EpiPens and how these are used.


We have continued to learn about time and have worked on calculating durations. We played a game as a class, working with a partner to match different durations and reveal a picture.

Feathers, food, flight and feeders!

Health and Wellbeing

This week we have been learning some British sign language to look at the different signs for ordering foods.

We also spent some time examining food labels to look at how we can use the information contained in them to help us make healthier choices. We compared the fat and sugar content of different foods to find out which foods were better for us.

In Maths

We have been continuing to work on using information in timetables, looking at converting different units of time to solve problems. We have also been calculating durations of time looking at counting on in hours and minutes to look at how long activities, T.V programmes and events last for.

In Writing

We have been looking at the great caterpillar cake debate between Cuthbert the Caterpillar and Colin the Caterpillar. We looked at persuasive language and how it can be used to encourage us to buy one product over another. We enjoyed creating our own slogans to persuade people to buy the product we were in favour of.

IDL Topic flight

We have been learning more about birds in flight and how different feathers on a bird’s wings serve different purposes. Some play an important role in flight, some help the bird to keep warm and stay dry and others help them to show off or blend in. We did some observational drawings to look at the colour, shape, pattern and texture of a range of different feathers and experimented with layering of oil pastels to create a realistic image and study the detail within each design.

Outdoor Learning

As part of our study into birds and flight we enjoyed creating bird feeders outdoors to help attract in more birds to our school environment to observe and study.