Sock puppets, Sketching and Speech Marks.

Sock dolls/puppets

Through our skills academy we have been developing our fine motor skills and creativity through sewing and making  sock dolls. We built on our previous experience creating animal soft toys and through discussion we were able to demonstrate the diverse background represented in our school and class. We  selected and used a range of materials to create our own unique designs. We are delighted with how they have turned out and have shared some photos of them below.

We had to use two socks and start by making a hood,mask or hat by cutting off the heel of the sock and a little bit of the sock. Then we cut off a large piece of sock where your toes go and  with that piece we created the legs. We had to stuff it and sow it and  use  a skin coloured sock  to create the face.


We have been developing our knowledge of compass points, directions and following routes. We came up with some top tips to help us rememeber the order of the compass points using a mnemonic  like Never Eat Soggy Waffles and discussed ways to help avoid confusion when making left and right turns.


In writing this week we have been continuing to learn how to use speech marks correctly  to show a conversation between two people or characters. We had to remember to take a new line each time a new/different charater spoke, use capital letters at the start of speech and punctuation at the end of speech and put speech marks around the words each person or character says. Here is an example we came up with below

“How was your day?” Said Samantha

“Good,” said Lewis ”How was yours?”

“Not so good, so far,” mumbled Samantha


“My cat’s sick.”

“Oh no.”

“I hope he’s alright.”

We also got a letter from the author Lindsay Littleson who has written  a childrens novel about Titanic called The Titanic Detective Agency. She shared with us information about how she came up with her ideas by researching some of the real children who were on board Titanic on it’s maiden voyage. We also compared life in 1912 to life today to get a better understanding of what it would of been like for passengers onboard the ship.

In art with P5A’S new teacher Miss Bishop we have been developing  our drawing skills, we drew detailed self potraits and looked at sketching and shading techniques.


This week we  took part in the Daily Mile and played rounders in the muga. We tied 8-8 and it was a very fast paced exciting game! We had lots of full catches and home runs and it  was a lot of fun.



Our Class Blog 081020

In art we have been creating icebergs . We needed to use a black piece of paper then we got a piece of white paper to draw the shape of the iceberg. Then you had to glue your iceberg half way down the page. We used skills of shading and highlighting with pastels to create three dimensional form and texture on the ice and in the sea.

We also created some fantastic portholes drawings using  paper plates, paint and pens.

We have  been looking at using speech marks within our writing, we shared examples and looked at editing and improving our work. We came up with some really great examples of alternative words we could use for said, such as murmured, screeched or bellowed, to give us a greater insight into characters feeling and emotions and make our writing more interesting.

In maths we have been learning about grid references and compass points, along with continuing to develop our skills in multiplication and division.

We have really enjoyed learning more about titanic and sharing our research to date through quizzes and presentations.  Our models have allowed us to look more closely at the ship’s design. We also looked at the different facilities on board for 1st, 2nd and 3rd class passengers. Here are some of the new things we have learned.

” I did not know that the ship split in half before it sank. ”

” I learnt that it might not only of been the iceberg that caused the ship to sink as there were reports that there was also a fire on board in one of the engine rooms..”

” I learnt it had 16 water tight compartments and that the engine was powered by coal.”

” I learnt about the night it sank and facts about what happened. ”

” I thought that the fourth funnel was only to make the ship look good and more powerful but it actually also provided ventatliation for the kitchens.”

” I learnt that Titanic was 883 feet long.”

Have a lovely holiday from all of us in P5A!

Maths Week in P5A 021020

This week in Crookfur we have been enjoying taking part in activities for Maths Week Scotland

We have been looking at lots of different jobs that involve many different aspects of mathematics. Some of which surprised us such as the importance of mathematics in fashion design or how an athlete like Sir Chris Hoy would use maths within his training to improve his performance or how the engineers and manufacturers of his bike would use mathematical formulas and solve problems to help improve the speed of the bike and also to look at the cost of materials and the weight  of the bike.

 We used natural materials collected from the woodland to design a wide range of calculations and challenges for our partners. Each material was given a value and we had to solve the problems set out and work out the value of different items. We used a range of skills and operations including multiplication, addition, subtraction and division.

 In P.E we looked at division with remainders where we had to physically get into groups and see which numbers would divide evenly and which numbers would have remainders. We also came up with the calculation that would show what we were doing.

 Within our IDL topic titanic we used lots of maths skills designing and creating models of the ship. We looked at 3D shape, scale and measure.

 Here is some of the things we love learning about in Mathematics and Numeracy……

“ I love everything about maths.”

“ I like doing maths because I like the challenge of solving problems.”

“ I enjoyed it when we did P.E with maths.”

“ I use to find division hard but now it is easy.”

“ I liked using materials to make different calculations.”

 “I have enjoyed learning more about division and linking it to my times tables.”

” I am now able to divide thousands, hundreds, tens and units.”