Class Blog 180920

Class Blog 14.9.20

Literacy – This week in literacy we were learning about inferential and literal questions. Literal is when the answer is in the text. Inferential is when you have to find clues in the text for your answer.

Numeracy – In mental maths we did the daily 10. We were learning how to add HTU to HTU by looking at each individual digit. We challenged ourselves to beat our speed and shared our approaches.  In maths we were learning about division relating to multiplication tables, division of tens and units and division of hundreds, tens and units. We used materials to look at exchanging and carrying and how to set out and record each part of the process.

Art – We were learning about pop art. We traced  an image then we printed the tracing paper onto a plain bit of paper. It was split into 4 squares. You had to pick four different colours and alternate them in the four boxes.

We enjoyed doing some sewing with Mrs Nasar. Each one of us had an animal to complete. We threaded the needle with wool. We used this to sew the animal together. We had to leave a gap to allow the stuffing to get inside. Sewing was quite difficult but we enjoyed it because it was a challenge.

We shared some excellent presentations on Titanic and enjoyed using the facts we had gathered from a variety of different sources to create quizzes for our class mates. We discussed some of the things that led to the tragic disaster and looked at how many things were changed as a result of the findings from the enquiry into how the ship sank.

Blog Editors JU and BL


Our Blog 110920

P5a class blog 11/09/20

This week we were working on 3D shape, learning about their properties and investigating corners, edges and sides. We made 3D shapes out of small wooden sticks and blue tack. We were also learning more about symmetry.  We used 2D objects and faces, we were learning how to draw the exact copy of something and a half of something with a mirror. We also revised multiplication looking at how we set out multiplications of HTU and TU.

In writing we were writing a story about the magic escalator and we had to do VCOP and we were learning about adverbs. It was lots of fun! We learned about lots of things like onomatopoeia and different things we can do to improve our writing skills and our language along the way! We also learned more about things such as adjective,s verbs and a lot more! It was lots of fun!

In PE we were doing exercise where we were Scotty’s and hot stars, we were working on our muscles and looking at the effect exercise has on them. In the MUGA we were making our own games and we came up with some pretty good ideas, we had a great time trying out all the different games that we made up, we thought of some really exciting ideas. We loved doing all of this to build up our energy!


For our topic we are learning more about the titanic and how it sunk, we were also learning about how the titanic was made and all of the features  it had. We know that there was a fire raging downstairs which melted a bit of the ship, unluckily the bit that the fire melted is the same bit the iceberg hit, which unfortunately made the ship go down in pieces.

Here are some “quotes” by some of the people of p5a

“I have really enjoyed the new points system” (LFI)

“This week I have really enjoyed learning about the Titanic and how it sunk” (BL)

“I really like our topic (titanic) it is really interesting and fun to learn about. I have learned more about what happened to the Titanic and how it sunk”! (AS)

“I have enjoyed writing about the magic elevator and where it took us to and focusing on VCOP” (CM)

“I have really enjoyed learning about the titanic and what the ship looked like inside.” (LM)

“This week I have really enjoyed maths because we were doing shapes and it was fun” (BD)

“This week I have really enjoyed exercise, I also enjoyed art creating the other half of a face.” (JU)

“This week I really enjoyed making 3D shapes out of matchsticks, this helped me to focus on the edges and corners.” (EC)

“This week I have enjoyed learning about Titanic facts and how the ship was made. ” (LF)

Perseverance, resilience, team work, communication, cooperation, problem solving, investigating and creating and designing were some of the skills we used while at the woodland today………..

Thank you for reading CM and AS

Welcome to our blog 040920

Mathematics and Numeracy

In Maths we have been learning about symmetry. For an activity, we went outside and gathered things from the woodland area and used them to make a pattern with both a horizontal and vertical line of symmetry. We also worked on time looking at quarter past, quarter to and converting analogue to digital clock times and vice versa. We challenged our partners getting them to show us different times on small clock faces.  We discussed how we use time in our everyday lives and how it helps us to organize events and our day.

Literacy and English

For Literacy we continued a story where two characters had to escape from the tricky situation they found themselves in. We focused on our use of exciting and engaging vocabulary and how we can use punctuation to help create atmosphere and build tension. We also looked at examples on formal and informal writing using email and letters.


For art this week we were doing abstract art. We had to express our emotions with hot colours and cold colours and look at pictures by famous abstract artists, Mark Rothko and Pablo Picasso for ideas and examples.

Topic IDL

For our new topic, we are working on the Titanic. We watched a video which told us about how the titanic sank and other facts. We took lots of notes about what we had learned. We are going to use our notes to create a text, game or presentation to share facts about this event in history with others.


In PE this week we played a game where we had to listen, concentrate and follow the instructions given. We also talked about the 4 key elements of fitness: speed, stamina, flexibility and strength and why they are important. In the MUGA we explained the rules of a range of different games to others to help us play them correctly. We realized it was important to give clear instructions and evaluated and changed some games as we played them.

One of our focuses on returning to school has been reconnection. We have been enjoying getting to know each other better, sharing our ideas, thoughts and opinions and working together to shape and develop our learning environments. Here are some photos to share with you……..






Our Week in P5A 280820

Maths – We have been looking at mental maths strategies to help us improve our speed and accuracy. This week we focused on near doubles, patterns in numbers and shared tips and strategies relating to a wide range of areas such as measure, money, time and volume. We are working hard to improve the recall of our tables and enjoyed games such as loop cards, matching pairs and buzz fizz.

Literacy- Our comprehension activities this week were based on The Laughing Snowman. We were focusing on V.C.O.P and grammar. We also looked at onomatopoeia using a moving image text called Laughing Moon. We had to identify examples of onomatopoeia and verbs and then design our own stills and storyboards to create new scenes for the text.

Art – In art we were learning about Andy Goldsworthy, inspired by his work, we went to the woodland area and created some art work using natural materials.  We have included some photos below to share some of our creations.

Bounce back- In bounce back we have been focusing on catastrophizing and how this can make things worse. We read a book about it called don’t step on the crack and spoke about the importance of having a positive mindset.

Outdoor learning: Our outdoor challenge this week was to find items to represent the initials in our name within a set time. Can you guess who each of these represent?

Ivy, stones, leaves and an apple

String, apple, mud

Acorn, yellow leaves, yellow stones, apple, nettles

Hula hoop, apple, rope, rope, yellow leaf.

It was lots of fun and we came up with some really interesting and creative ideas for some of the letters that were trickier to find things for.

Well done to our blog editors this week MM and LM who helped to create our blog.

Welcome to our first post in P5a Posted 210820

Welcome to our first post in P5a

We are delighted to be back in school and are looking forward to sharing our learning with you.

We came up with a space theme for our class charter and decided as a class how we want to develop our learning environment to allow all of us to meet our full potential and develop, grow and learn together.

We enjoyed making getting to know you back packs where we brought in some things to describe ourselves. This helped us learn more about each other and the hobbies and activities we enjoy both in and out of school.

In P.E we have been building our strength, stamina and fitness doing a selection of different circuits that focused on different muscle groups and helped improve our fitness.

We had fun playing some French number games and learned some new vocabulary for numbers 31 – 50.

We gathered some natural materials from the woodland area and designed some fantastic creative art work which we have shared below………