

As well as writing in jotters we learn our spelling words in other ways too like…

Lego Spelling
Upside Down Writing

Say Make Break Blend Read Write


Health and Wellbeing

We have been looking at the way we think and what we can do to help us get along better with ourselves and others. We looked at different scenarios where there might be different amounts of blame for people. We also realised that sometimes things happen because of bad luck or circumstances.



We have been using different things to make lines and patterns to make art. This week we used chalk to make imaginative drawings on black paper. We also used a Doodle Grid to draw exactly what we saw using our observation skills.



Maths Week Scotland

We found a mistake in the book Mummy Math! It said a cone only had one face (it has two – one curved and one flat).  We investigated which shape only has one face (and we looked at edges and vertices) We wrote an email to the publishers to suggest they replace the cone with a sphere because it only has one face.

We also played lots of shape maths games and competed fairly.

We made large frames of 3D objects using our construction area.