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Week Beginning 18th October 2021

Welcome to this weeks blog.  Here are a couple of pictures demonstrating our fabulous learning this week!


We were learning about Proper and Common Nouns – Brooke

We were sorting Proper Nouns and Common Nouns into different areas – Abby

With our whiteboards we searched for Common and Proper Nouns within our classroom – Jude

We were searching through books to identify Proper and Common Nouns – Rose



We were playing different games like, Chaos Tig and Rainbow Tig – Lewis

With Mr McMillan, we were learning basketball skills.  We practised dribbling and throwing the ball – Ben



We were learning how to draw an Egyptian pyramid – Abi

We shaded our pyramids on one side to make them look 3D and more realistic – Sunny

We were learning how to research on a Chromebook and we were trying to learn some interesting facts about Egyptian pyramids – Fynn

We learned that pyramids were made out of limestone, 3000 years ago – Rhys

We learned that most pyramids were made on the Western side of the River Nile – Haroon

They were built close to the River Nile as it was easier for them to get the blocks – Daniel

The Sphinx Pyramid stood in front of the other pyramids – Sadie

The Pyramids of Giza are the tallest pyramids in the world – Brooke

We were building pyramids and tombs out of bricks and Lego – Charlotte

We made people and climb up the pyramids steps and we designed our pyramid in the modern day and created tourists – Calum

We were making coffins for Egyptian people.  In the coffins we put gold and treasure in because Egyptians believed that they could take these items to the afterlife – Freya

On Thursday, Charlotte and Brooke had a dance that they wanted to show the class!  It was very good and we even sang along!

Have a great weekend, see you next week!

Week Beginning 4th October

Welcome to our class blog this week! We have been very busy this week before our October holidays!


We learned a new game called ‘Rainbow Tig’.  We all got a colour and when the teacher called our colour we had to run from one end of the MUGA to the other.  If the teacher called ‘Rainbow’ everyone ran across.  If you got caught, you became a tigger. – Brooke



We were learning about adjectives and nouns – Finn

We went around the classroom, looking for nouns.  Nouns are names, places or things – Lewis



We made a cable car.  We used Calum’s water bottle to make the cable car more secure and then we put some bricks in front of Calum’s water bottle so it didn’t fall forwards.  We tied the other end of the cable car to the whiteboard – Haroon

It was pretty hard but we managed to make it so I collected the bricks – Matthew

We made the cable car and my water bottle was a fuel tank for it and we attached a cable along it to create a real cable car.  Before we added the bottom, it looked like a pizza cutter – Calum



We were learning about Venn Diagrams and for example, in a Venn Diagram you might have brown in one circle and leaf in the other.  In the middle you would put brown leaves – Ben

We were also given some free time at th end.

We were playing a game and being pandas.  I was a baby one and I was always hungry – Freya

We hope you enjoyed our blog, have a great October holiday! – All of Primary 3C

Week beginning 20th and 27th September 2021

Welcome to this weeks double blog!  Here are some pictures of our learning journey over the past 2 weeks!


Me and Rose and Sunny were playing Koalas – Haroon


We were learning the difference between the way that the Ancient Egyptians wrote their letters and the way that we write.


We wrote our names in hieroglyphics.  After that we wrote what the symbols were in English- Finn


We made it colourful – Freya



We were fixing sentences to make them better.  They weren’t write as they did not have capital letters and full stops in the correct place – Brooke

We were learning about what adjectives mean.  Adjectives make sentences exciting – Lewis

Adjectives are describing words – Matthew



We were playing a game called, ‘Dragons Den’ and we were in groups and we had to steal items from other groups when Miss MacInnes said we were allowed too.  We had to go 1 at a time – Charlotte

We were trying to collect all the objects on the ground and bring it to our groups – Arran






We were sorting all the coins into piles and then we ordered them from biggest to smallest – Jamie

We were answering questions with a partner and we pretended we were buying stuff at the shops and we used coins help us how much money we needed – Sunny

We were cutting out a 100 square and we had to pass it to the person next to us and then they had to work it out by putting it back together – Lucy

Have a look at some of our play-based creations this week!

We were making a model and me and Charlotte made dragons with people on it and little houses.  They had a kitchen and lots of other areas – Freya

By Calum, Rhys, Haroon and William

We were making a train station and we were trying to make a building for it and there was a train stop and people would go on to the train.  They would then go round in circles 2 times and then they arrived at their stop – Rhys

We made a car to go inside the train and the building was like a house – Calum


We hope that you enjoyed our awesome double blog!

Have a good weekend!

Week Beginning 13th September 2021

Welcome to this week’s blog.  We have had a very busy week in Primary 3C!


This week started with lots of fun in the Woodland area!

We were making an activity trail for others in our class to try and complete – Freya

We were playing dinosaurs and we pretended that the wood was food – Lewis

Fynn was the leader of the dinosaurs – Benjamin

We were playing as koalas and Matthew was  the feeder – Keir



On Wednesday we were playing ‘corners’ and each corner was a season – Rose

We were running and everyone was a tigger and you do rock, paper scissors if you tig at the same time – Arran


We were writing about a picture about a troll and discussed with a partner what happened before.  We tried to include 2 different types of punctuation and had to include a beginning, middle and end – Ben

The Eqyptians




We were trying to make Egyptian items in our class.  People were trying to make temples, pyramids and the coffins – Sunny

Some people were working with the Lego and construction.  People who were working in construction were designing a house and a tomb and the people using the Lego were making a pyramid – Matthew

I was making a pyramid with the cubes.  I was doing 1 to 2 all the way up to 5 – William

Me and Abby were making a 3D pyramid.  Abby cut out the pieces and I stuck them together – Benjamin

We also added these plants around it that I picked outside – Abby

I drew a pyramid and when I finished it I put it on the wall – Lewis

I made a pyramid and I added some more Egyptian symbols around the side.  They are called hieroglyphics.  I also drew a pharaoh – Jude

We were making pyramids and jewellery because men and women used to wear jewellery – Sophie and Sarah

Me and Keir were building an Egyptian house and we used blocks and rulers as the roof and we made a Lego boat as well – Calum

Also, in the front room we made a couch – Keir

I was making an Egyptian house and I used different coloured pens on the whiteboard.  I also drew a pyramid and made a sun in the corner – Daniel

We were making coffins with Lego – Freya

I put a spider inside and it looked like a mummy shaking around – Arran

We were making a pyramid and Ben made a house with booby traps and there was spikes upstairs and on the roof.  Then there would be a mummy that would try to catch you and if you get passed the mummy you got treasure – Sunny and Ben.


Thank you for reading our blog, have a good day!

Week Beginning 6th September 2021

Welcome to our blog!  Have a look at what we have been getting up to this week in Primary 3C!


On Thursday we were  writing a story about a monster and what the monster looked like – Rose

We wrote the end of the story – Haroon



We all had cards and we had to work out the answer to the question on our cards – Finn

Everyone had a number and a question and if someone had the answer to our number they had to stand next to them and it made a big circle – Sunny

We had to make some calculations for our partners  and swap and try to answer them and see how many we got right – Sadie



We played a game called corners.  Corners is a game where there are 4 colours for corners in the MUGA.  The person in the middle shouts a corner and if you are in the corner you have to sit down. – Abby M



We learned about a beat and passed the ball back in forward with the song and kept the beat – Lucy

We were clapping along to keep the beat going – Freya


Haroon brought in an Ancient Egypt book – Lewis

We learned that people went into a coffin when they were mummies – Freya


We were going around the schools garden and we were looking for objects or things that we could colour over with paper and crayons.  We then cut shapes out and made a picture with the shapes.  – Brooke







Week Beginning 30th August 2021.

Welcome to this weeks blog!


In literacy this week, we wrote a story – Lewis.

The story has to have a beginning, a middle and an end – Sunny.

We looked at the sounds ee and ai – Matthew, Benjamin and Ben.

Numeracy and Mathematics

We learned about half past and o’clock – Rose.

We were learning how to add 10 more and 10 less – Sophie.


In P.E we were practising throwing and catching the ball with a partner – Brooke.

It was called a chest pass – Lucy.

We were also trying to throw the ball up as high as our hand and we had to try and catch it – Charlotte.

We played Piggy in the Middle – Freya

We played Chain Tig – Jude.


We decided our topic, which is the Egyptians – Haroon.

We learned that the when mummies go into their coffins, they get treasure all around them – Abby.

Thank you for reading,

Primary 3C!




Week beginning 23rd August 2021.

Welcome to our first blog of 2021/2022!  We hope that enjoy looking at our pictures and finding out what we have been up to!

On Wednesday in the MUGA we play Olly Olly Octopus – Sunny

In Woodland on Monday we were climbing trees – Sophie

We explored all of the Woodland because it was our first time here since Summer – Lewis

In Literacy we were writing about ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ – Freya

We were asking Duncan questions imagining that we were the crayons – Charlotte

We were trying to get from a number to 50 using only 5 steps – Fynn


In Numeracy we used to make a bigger cube – Rhys

There had to be 4 different colours on each side – Matthew


We were learning about a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset.  We sorted the Growth Mindset phrases on one side and the Fixed on another side – Benjamin.


We were dancing to music and we had to copy the actions on the board – Rose

We were learning to dance and tap to a beat – Brooke


We have had a wonderful week in Primary 3, see you next week!