Week Beginning 10th January 2022

What a wonderful week and a half we have had in Primary 3C.  It was lovely seeing everybody again after the break and we were all very excited to start a new learning journey for this term. 

Here are a few photos displaying some of the new things we have been learning:

Social Studies

This week we were learning about needs and wants – Lewis

A need is something that you need to survive.  For example, you need to have shelter – Sunny

A want is something that you want but you don’t need it and you can still survive without it.  An example is a car and  TV – Rhys


In music this week, we were listening to Australian music.  One part of the song was called the chorus and the other part was called the verse.  There was a girls name in the song and she was called Matilda – Haroon

It was Aboriginal music.

Art and Design

We were making a birds eye view of a field – Freya

We were focusing on making different shapes – Fynn

We also focused on create different types of lines and textures – Sophie

Numeracy and Mathematics

We were learning how to measure.  We went around the class and measured various items with rules and a metre stick – Brooke

We were learning how to measure in centimetres and metres – Lewis and Benjamin

See you next week!