Week Beginning 22nd November 2021

Welcome to this weeks blog!  We have had lots of fun in our class and can’t wait to share our learning with you.


This week in Woodland we were making famous landmarks using the outdoor materials.

We made the Arizona Crater.


We made the Eiffel Tower.


We made Stonehenge.


We made the Golden Gate Bridge.


We made the Eiffel Tower out of logs, sticks and mud.


We made an Egyptian tomb.  It had secret passageways.


We made the Statue of Liberty.


We made the Eiffel Tower out of sticks and leaves.


We made the Golden Gate Bridge out of sticks and leaves over the tyre.



On Tuesday we were doing an experiment on an apple.  We made it mummified.  This links with our topic on the Egyptians.  We will check our results in one week – Rose

We cut the apple into quarters and then mixed salt and baking powder together to make natron and then we put it on the apple.  We left the other half plain to compare the results – Ben

We use natron because in Ancient Egypt, the Egyptians used natron when they were being mummified – Rhys


We were moving round station and we were working on our adjectives, nouns and verbs – Freya

When we came into class on Thursday morning our chairs had disappeared!  Benjamin thought that it was an elf! – Finn

We found out that our chairs had gone on strike!

We then wrote a letter to the chairs asking them to come back to our classroom!  We missed them very much! – Daniel

Growth Mindset

This week we were learning about different jobs.  We discussed the different jobs that we wanted to do and we thought about what we needed to learn before we get that job – Sunny


Thank you for reading our blog this week!