Book Week Scotland 2021!

Book Week Scotland!

We had lots of fun celebrating Book Week Scotland in our classroom!

Lots of us brought our favourite books into school! – Toby

We read a book called, ‘There is no dragon in this story’.  We were making our own houses for the three little pigs.  We could use straws, coloured paper, lollipop sticks and Lego.  We made one with Lego and one without – Freya

When we were making the three little pigs houses, we had to use a lot of sellotape to stick it altogether! – Charlotte

We had to make our houses strong so they were big bad wolf proof – Ben

We made our own bookmarks to use when we are reading our favourite books in class! – Brooke


Numeracy and Maths

We were learning to give and follow directions.  We were using Bee bots and we were programming the Bee bots to go from one area of a mat to another – Benjamin



Last week, we were making Egyptian brochures and we had a competition on Friday.  We looked through everybody’s brochures and completed a blind vote for our winners – Rose

Read, Write Count Bags

We were very happy to receive our Read, Write, Count bags on Thursday


We had lots of fun exploring our Woodland area this week!


Have a good weekend!!!