Hello everyone and welcome to our blog. We have been very busy in P3a for the past couple of weeks .
In Art we have been comparing Traditional and Modern Art and using our feelings to create our own pieces. We were keen to share our art work and talk about our creations . We discussed the lines, colours and materials that we used.
“I liked my art. I used shapes and colours to show I am happy” (Talhah)
In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about Friendship and what this means. We discussed our own personal qualities and how to be a good friend. We create the Five Fingers of Friendship and learned that our actions and words can impact others.
“I loved learning about warm fuzzies and cold prickles.” (Isla)
We are in discussion as a class to come up with a new topic that will start in January. We have lots of ideas and will decided what we would like to learn next week during Circle Time .
In maths we have been learning to measure – ask us all about it we are masters of measure.
“I know ow to measure length and what unit of measurement to use.” (Elay)
We have now moved onto Recount writing, just in time to write a recount about our recent class trip to Vikingar. This was a wonderful day trip and reinforced all that we had learned in class about the Vikings.
“I really loved seeing an actual Viking longhouse.” (James)
“I liked being on the stage and dressing up as a Viking
and performing.” (Ryan)
We are looking forward to another busy week of learning next week!
P3a and Mrs McKim