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W/B 29/01/24 – Literacy


On Thursday morning, the children in P3A came into their classroom where their chairs had been stacked and taped up! Why? Well, this was the day the chairs quit! They were tired of being swung on, having food rubbed on to them and being dragged across the floor, to name a few reasons! The children had to persuade their chairs to come back with their new persuasive writing skills.

I’m glad to report that it was a success and while the children were out at playtime, all the chairs returned to their normal position and the children were ecstatic that their letters had worked. Well done P3A and we promise not to let you down, chairs!

W/B 15/01/24 – Maths


This week, with Mrs Dunbar, P3a were learning how to read scales when weighing items in grams and kilograms. We used some interactive games, challenge cards and various types of scales to help us practise our skills.

W/B 8/1/24 – Literacy


This week, we started off a new literacy topic, persuasive writing!

We learned that a persuasive text is a piece of writing used to share the writer’s point of view. It is to convince readers to believe your opinion or idea!

When we write ‘persuasively’, we want the reader to agree with what we are saying. This means, we need to use strong language to convince the reader to agree with our idea and what our thoughts are.

Here we are, making persuasive arguments to each other! Take a look at some of the points we were trying to persuade each other to agree with..

“Spending too much time on computers is bad for you.”

“Cats make better pets than dogs!”

“Children should always be given pocket money.”

“Children should not have to wear a uniform to school.”

We made some really fantastic points! Would you be persuaded by our arguments below?

We are looking forward to learning more next week!

W/B 18/12/23 – Last Week of Term!

Our Last Week of Term!

We have had so much fun this week! Take a look at some of our pictures from our activities!

A Christmas card activity with P7


Split Pin Santa!


Our Christmas Party!


Christmas Craft!

The making of our Christmas Pudding Rice Krispie cakes!

As a thank you to all of the boys and girls in P3A, we made hot chocolate reindeers for everyone to enjoy at home.


Merry Christmas Everyone!

W/B 11/12/23 – Physical Education

Physical Education

Over the last few weeks, P3A have been very lucky to work with Logan, a coach who has come into Crookfur to help with some of our P.E lessons.

He has showed us how to play so many fun games. Here we are playing ‘rock, paper, scissors tag’ before a game of ‘ball steal’. We turned out to be very competitive!

The class voted that the losing team had to 10 push ups!!

This week, we put our new fitness exercises to the test by demonstrating our burpees, planks, push ups and lunges. After this, we played a fun game of ‘tail tig’ where we had to try and steal as many people’s tails as possible before the time ran out!

We have loved working with Logan!

W/B 4/12/23 – Our Trip to the Science Centre!

Glasgow Science Centre

This week, we had SO much fun visiting the Science Centre as part of our topic, Our World. We visited the Planetarium where we could see planets and stars flying above our heads! After that, we got to explore 3 levels of fun and take part in lots of games and cool experiments. What a day!!


W/B 27/11/23 – Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

This week we have been thinking about what it means to be unique.

P3A noticed that some people might have the same hair colour, favourite colour, type of pet, be the same age and even have the same name. On the other hand, they noticed that people might have different likes and dislikes, bodies, skin colour and many other things. These differences are reasons to celebrate as they are what make us unique!

After thinking about our differences, it was time to take a look! We used mirrors to look at our faces and what makes them different from our friends. Some of us have freckles, wear glasses, have piercings and many more features that make us unique.

Next we made self-portraits! Take a look at some of them here…can you tell who they are of?

“Unique means being different.”

“It’s okay to be different.”

“We all have similarities and differences.”

W/B 20/11/23 – Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

As part of our ‘friends and friendships’ topic, P3A have been thinking about when friends fall out. We talked about how it’s okay to have disagreements and positive things we can do to help resolve them.
We acted out different scenarios with puppets and Mrs Orr was super impressed with how maturely the children showed they could compromise and problem solve.


It was also Road Safety week at school! As part of a whole school competition, we took part in poster making to raise awareness of how to stay safe on or near the roads. Some of our work even made it to the Celebration Station!

W/B 13/11/23 – STEM


Over the last two weeks, P3A have been learning about Our Place in Space. The children were building on their existing knowledge of the planets to begin to think about their relationship to each other and the sun.

We discovered the distance between each planet and the sun, as well as what order the planets come in our solar system.

After learning about how all the planets orbit the sun, we created a human solar system! We got in correct planet order and each orbited the sun (the person in the middle) and had to rotate our planet at the same time!! Did you know that some planets rotate clockwise and others spin in an anti-clockwise direction?

After warming up by doing just a few planets in small groups, we then acted out the actions of the entire solar system! Take a look at us!


We learned some really cool facts about our planet, planet Earth. We learned that Earth is in what is known as the Goldilocks Zone in our solar system. This is because the temperature here is not too hot, and not too cold, a bit like Baby Bear’s porridge in Goldilocks and the Three Bears!

We also learned that the moon orbits planet Earth, and that is why we sometimes see the moon in different shapes. The moon doesn’t actually ever change shape, it just appears different to us, depending on what phase of it’s orbit we see it in!

Take a look at the experiment we carried out to see this in action. We had to find a dark room to see this at it’s best, and the Literacy Store was the perfect place! The lamp acts as the sun, while we act as the earth, with the moon orbiting us.

‘New Moon’

‘Crescent Moon’

‘First Quarter Moon’

  ‘Gibbous Moon’

‘Full Moon’

The whole thing in action 🙂

W/B 6/11/23 – RME

Primary 3 were learning about Diwali this week! We learned about the story of Rama and Sita and enjoyed creating various Diwali celebration crafts.

Samarth – “I learned about the five days of Diwali.”

Fraser – “I learned why and how Diwali is celebrated.”

Amaya – “People wear fancy clothes during the celebrations.”

Beth – “I learned that Diwali means the Festival of Light.”


Ryley – I loved making the Mehndi patterns!

Neave – We made Diya Lamps as this is what people use when celebrating Diwali.

Fergus – I really liked making the Rangoli patterns and using lots of colours.

Happy Diwali everyone!