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Science – Inheritance

Primary 3 have been looking at  inheritance in science.  We learned about how living things can pass on characteristics to their offspring.

We also learned that some traits can be acquired such as likes and dislikes or your personality.

We worked in pairs to match male and female chromosome letters, this gave us codes to make Reebop babies.


We then put our Reebop babies in the nursery!

W/B 6/5/24 and 13/5/24 – STEM


Over the last few weeks, P3A have been learning how to use Sphero Indi!

With indi’s onboard colour sensor, the children can communicate instructions to indi by placing coloured tiles on the floor that tell it what to do and where to go (and how fast!).

The children have loved getting to know this resource and starting to build their own mazes once they were familiar with what each of the colours made the indi do.

We will be taking on more difficult challenges in the coming weeks – watch this space!

W/B 22/04/24 – Maths

Exploring 3D Shapes!

This week we were exploring the properties of 3D shapes. We started by learning about how many faces each shape had and using our previous knowledge of Venn Diagrams to sort them.

We then moved onto learning about edges and vertices using the 3D shape examples.

We had so much fun playing with the 3D shape loop cards where we matched up the properties of the shapes with the images.

Finally, we loved creating cubes, cuboids, square-based pyramids and triangular prisms with spaghetti and marshmallows. We were so pleased with how they turned out!

W/B 15/4/24 – Culture Week!

Crookfur’s Culture Week!

P3A were so lucky to be involved in so many amazing activities this week!

We got a chance to learn about Egyptian, Islamic and Spanish culture with guest speakers, helpers and experiences. Take a look at some of the things we got up to!

“We made beautiful prayer mats.”

“I loved making my fruit chaat!”


“The Egyptian drinks were so refreshing. The vanilla made it taste like ice cream!”


“It was really fun to learn some Spanish. I liked singing and competing with the other side of the room.”


Lillie and Fraser won our Blooket quiz all about Islam!


“I got to choose my own henna design. I love it!”

W/B 18/03/24 – Topic Design Challenge

P3A’s  Sweetie Machines!

Over the last 3 weeks, all the boys and girls have been working SO hard to design, collect materials and make a sweetie or chocolate machine, in line with our topic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Mrs Orr, Miss Biggart, Mrs Jaimeson, Mrs Sloarch, Miss Lamb and Mrs McGuigan were absolutely blown away by everyone’s efforts.

Everyone received a special certificate and prize for their efforts. Although it was SO difficult to choose who should receive 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, members of the senior leadership team were finally able to make a decision after inspecting our designs and picking their winners anonymously.  A special well done goes to:

1st Place – Beth Munro

2nd Place – Neave Hamilton

3rd Place – Aria Vilela

We topped off our day by watching the original film, Willa Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and the children enjoyed their film vs book comparison challenge.

I would like to say a BIG thank you to all the parents and carers who gave so much of their time to help their children bring their visions to life! Thanks to you, we have had the best day and I know the children have thoroughly enjoyed making these over the last few weeks.

W/B 11/3/24 – Writing


This week, we were learning to write instructions for a how to make a hot chocolate!

We started off by looking at pictures and trying to guess what the ‘bossy verb’ would be to describe the action happening. We managed to find lots of actions like ‘mix’, ‘whisk’ and ‘slice’.


Next, we took notes on the method. We used our new skill of creating a mind map to help us with this.


Finally, it was time to write our recipe! We used our notes to help us remember all the important steps, and made sure to use bossy verbs to tell the reader what to do.

W/B 4/3/24 – Physical Education


This week, we started our block of gymnastics! We were learning how to do different balances and how best to hold these. We enjoyed critiquing our partners and learning from each other. Take a look at the three different skills we learned in action…

1. Halfway handstand


2. V-Sit


3. Arabesque

W/B 26/02/24 – Numeracy


We had lots of fun playing games in Numeracy this week! We took part in lots of active tasks such as place value loop cards, using our knowledge of the times tables by playing snakes and ladders, and even getting to play some maths games on our brand new Ipads!

W/B 19/02/24 – Woodlands and Literacy

Woodlands and Literacy

This week, we went on a materials hunt in our woodland area! Once we found lots of items, we placed them inside a hoop and had to use different adjectives to describe them. Our friends had to guess what our item was based on what adjectives we used. We were very accurate and detailed with our descriptions and this helped us to be successful. Some examples of our descriptions are down below.

“My object is in the blue hoop with the black stripes. It is grey, small and kind of round.” – Isabella

“My object is in the blue hoop. It is green and smooth. It can easily break. It is kind of like a turtle leg shape.” – Amaya

“My object is in the blue hoop. It is small. It has so many circle shapes on it. They have a wee brown top on each of them and they are all connected on one branch.” – Aviraj

“Mine is in the blue hoop. It is long, light green and dirty. It is in a diamond shape.” – Fraser

“Mine is in the green hoop. It is a small object. It was red, orange and grey.” – Lucas A

“It is small, a bit dirty and hard. It kind of looks like a bit of small bread.” – Ryley