Science – Inheritance

Primary 3 have been looking at  inheritance in science.  We learned about how living things can pass on characteristics to their offspring.

We also learned that some traits can be acquired such as likes and dislikes or your personality.

We worked in pairs to match male and female chromosome letters, this gave us codes to make Reebop babies.


We then put our Reebop babies in the nursery!

W/B 6/5/24 and 13/5/24 – STEM


Over the last few weeks, P3A have been learning how to use Sphero Indi!

With indi’s onboard colour sensor, the children can communicate instructions to indi by placing coloured tiles on the floor that tell it what to do and where to go (and how fast!).

The children have loved getting to know this resource and starting to build their own mazes once they were familiar with what each of the colours made the indi do.

We will be taking on more difficult challenges in the coming weeks – watch this space!