W/B 15/01/24 – Maths


This week, with Mrs Dunbar, P3a were learning how to read scales when weighing items in grams and kilograms. We used some interactive games, challenge cards and various types of scales to help us practise our skills.

W/B 8/1/24 – Literacy


This week, we started off a new literacy topic, persuasive writing!

We learned that a persuasive text is a piece of writing used to share the writer’s point of view. It is to convince readers to believe your opinion or idea!

When we write ‘persuasively’, we want the reader to agree with what we are saying. This means, we need to use strong language to convince the reader to agree with our idea and what our thoughts are.

Here we are, making persuasive arguments to each other! Take a look at some of the points we were trying to persuade each other to agree with..

“Spending too much time on computers is bad for you.”

“Cats make better pets than dogs!”

“Children should always be given pocket money.”

“Children should not have to wear a uniform to school.”

We made some really fantastic points! Would you be persuaded by our arguments below?

We are looking forward to learning more next week!