W/B 23/10/23 – Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing – Bounce Back

P3A have just finished their block of ‘Bounce Back’ lessons in Health and Wellbeing. Here is our wall display that reminds us what the letters of ‘Bounce Back’ stand for.

On Wednesday, we read the story ‘Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day’. In this story, Alexander could not find any positives in his day. He let lots of small things that annoyed him, turn into big issues. After reading, we read back some of the situations  Alexander faced, and considered how he could have reacted differently.

“He could have said sorry to his Dad.”

“He could have asked to change into different pyjamas.”

“He could have asked to add cold water into his bath.”

“If he didn’t want beans for dinner, he could have tried his best or asked to have something different.”

Then on Friday, we then made Bounce Back posters to highlight our learning over the term. As well as lots of other things, we have learned all about helping others to feel good, the power of humour and courage, and these stood out as some of the themes in our posters.

W/B 9/10/23 – Our Class Trip to Vikingar!

Our Trip to Vikingar!

We had the most amazing time at Vikingar this week! We were lucky enough to be shown around a replica of a Viking longhouse, enter the Hall of the Gods and explore the Hall of Answers. Take a look at our pictures  that highlight some of the best parts of the day.


“We were able to make our own flour for bread like the Vikings would.”

We got to hold real Viking weapons. “The sword was heavy!”

Trying on real chain mail was fun!


Some of us were able to dress up in traditional Viking clothes. We had a blacksmith, a farmer, a rich Viking man and their 3 wives!


Inside the Hall of Answers, we were able to play and learn lots of Viking facts!


On the way home, we got to stop off at The Pencil to see the monument that was erected in 1912 to commemorate the Battle of Largs!

W/B 02/10/23 – Celebrating Maths Week Scotland!

Celebrating Maths Week Scotland!

This week, we has so much fun taking part in lots of different maths activities and seeing how maths is used in the world around us.

Here we are on a ‘maths walk’ trying to find examples of maths in our environment.

“We found angles!”

We also counted how many steps it would take to get from one side of the MUGA to another! We compared our answers and why they were different. We figured out that the bigger your shoe size, the less steps you would need to take!

“This leaf is symmetrical!”

We made calculations from natural objects in the woodlands!


We were so lucky to have Mrs Munro come in to talk to us about her job as a dress maker. We were able to look at some of her costumes she made for a pantomime and see how she measures people to make sure their clothes fit. We even got to have a go at measuring our friends and recording the results!