W/B 18/09/23 – Mathematics


This week, we have been learning about angles! Here we were making angles with our bodies. We used our legs as one segment, and our arms as the other, with the vertex being our hips. Do you see the angles getting bigger, from left to right?


We then identified and marked some angles.


Then it was time to create our own! We used pencils as our straight lines and placed them on whiteboards, with the tips meeting to form the vertex. We identified the angles by drawing them on with whiteboard pens. We were able to make all sorts of sizes!



“I found lots of angles inside this shape!”

W/B 18/09/23 – Maths & Topic

This week in Maths, we have been learning all about directions. We have been using the commands ‘clockwise’, ‘anticlockwise’, ‘full turn’, ‘half turn’ and ‘quarter turn’ to move not only our own bodies, but Bee Bots and pictures too!


As part of our topic, we have been building Viking longships! Take a look at us making these using Kapla, as well as creating paper models!

W/B 4/9/23

We had our first woodlands session of P3 this week! We had fun exploring after a long time away.

The children were loving making sounds by blowing into blades of grass! “It sounds like a musical instrument!”


We had to work as a team and concentrate in P.E this week. We had to get the shuttle from one end of the hall to another without dropping it.


We love Music Mondays!!


We had lots of fun trying to replicate some Viking jewellery, pottery and other items that were used over 1000 years ago.

A Viking shield and sword!

Viking jewellery!

Some Viking pottery!

W/B 28/8/23

For our first Bounce Back lesson, we were talking about courage. The children were marking with a triangle the parts of your body where you can feel fear. We discovered that fear can be felt most places in your body in some way or another!


In numeracy, we have been working on place value. We were making quantities in different ways and showing off our knowledge on partitioning.


We LOVE Kapla! Look at our creations and how we can work well as a team.


Our ball skills are improving!