All posts by Miss Asif


Our new class topic is chocolate. We began by writing ‘I wonder’ questions of things we want to investigate about chocolate

We have been looking at food chains with the cocoa bean as the producer

And writing about Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Room

Story Setting

We were describing Shreks Swamp this week. We made pictures using paint, sponges, coloured pencils and tissue paper.

We have been working on drawing a map of our writing using symbols and pictures before writing. We orally told a partner our description of the setting before writing it.

Ancient Egypt Fashion

We have been comparing fashion in Ancient Egypt to present day.


We were given pictures to discuss in groups. We made notes on things we noticed about Ancient Egyptian fashion.

Then we made pictures of ourselves in present day clothing and Ancient Egyptian clothing. We had to select the correct fabric, trace around the stencil, cut and stick.