All posts by Miss Asif

Water Safety

“In summer lots of people go on holiday and swim so we have to know how to stay safe”

“We made a poster to remind people how to be safe”

“Red flag means danger and you cant swim there”

“You should always be with an adult in open water like the sea or in the deep end of the pool”

“Red and yellow flag means there is a lifeguard between them and you can go there, but you still have to be careful”

“Black and white flags means you can do sports like surfing. But you cant swim there or you could crash into them”


“Capacity is the amount something can hold in it”

“I found out that the taller bottles don’t always have the same capacity because it depends on how skinny or wide it is”

“I used a block for every cup of water, it took 7 cups to fill the jug and 11 to fill up the big bottle”

“The container with the most blocks has the biggest capacity”

“I learned the words, half empty, half full, nearly empty and nearly full”

“I estimated the capacity then checked it”

“I measured 100ml of water and put it in two different shaped jugs. One looked more than the other but they were actually the same”


Story Setting

“We had to use our reading books and make one of the story settings”

“I used the words and the pictures”

“Story setting is where the story happens”

“I used the description and adjectives to make my 3d story setting”

“I added in the characters who lived there to my setting”


“We learned to use the hundred square for adding”

“I practised division with cubes”


“I learned about quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns”

“A quarter turn is 90 degrees, so 2 three quarters turn is 270 degrees”

“We practised compass directions to get your partner across the maze”

“You had to give your partner instructions using compass points on. They had to guess what word you were spelling out.”

Bar Graphs

We have been using the lunch bands to create ‘bar graphs’  and answering questions about the data.

We collected data in the woodlands about colours and shapes then created bar charts.

100 points!

Well done to the first 5 to hit 100 dojo points! This was for effort, participation, helping others, challenge and team work. Points are given by other pupils as well as teachers 🙂