W.b. 05.09.22 Bee-bots and Hieroglyphics


We have continued our directions learning this week and had great fun using the bee-bots to find different places on the map.

You will see us on our right angle hunt in the pictures underneath. We discovered that rectangles and squares have right angles, along with some other shapes.






Ancient Egypt

Some of our boys and girls brought things in to show to help us with our topic learning. We loved talking about the clothes Cleopatra wore, along with looking through some pictures from one of our families trips to Egypt.

In the pictures below we are exploring the Egyptian hieroglyphic alphabet, and had a go at writing our names and secret messages.






P. E.

The rain didn’t put us off from our P.E. this week! We are making great progress with passing the ball to a partner in a controlled way.

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