Sports day practise

We had to hold the ball on the spoon and not drop it – MC

And there was one race where we had to dribble the ball through the cones and dribble it back – GC

We had to throw the hoops to the cones – AA

We had to run across the ladder and at the end we had to do 5 jumps on the rope – CS


Data is collecting information – HR GK

We needed to turn it into bar chats, we needed to put the right number of squares and check it was right with a ruler – AC

We used tally marks to help collect data – IK GC

One side was for one thing, the other side was for another thing. The middle was for both – RS

It is called a Venn diagram – P3a



We used three hula hoops to make a Venn diagram that had three sections – AP

It was challenging because we had to think of three things that were the same – AW


I enjoyed writing and collecting data to put in the sections – CK

Technology over time

You need to build a phone when they looked different over time – NM EwH

We were using recycled materials to make our phones – MJA GC

You had to put the phones in order, like the earliest one to the latest one – GK AC


We were being nice to eachother and help eachother – KG

I enjoyed it because we got to make stuff – AW