

Miss Asif put up times on the board we had to write them down then we needed to draw the hands on the clock to the right number.  _:00 is o’clock the _:30 is half past – AW


There is a cup that says times, you’ve got to make the time on the clocks. I liked that you got to do it with your friends – BL

We made clocks in the woods using different materials – NM


You need to divide 57 by 3 using tens and units. We put one in the first group, one in the second group then one in the third group then you did it again in order. If it doesn’t work you have to take a ten out and replace it with units. It was fun working it out because first time it didn’t work then the second time it worked – CM

Halves and Quarters:

A quarter is split in 4 equal pieces – CS

A half is something that is split down the middle – CS

Times tables:



Relay Race

You had a pass a bat to eachother. You got to make your own race, we used a bean bag to throw it inside of a hula hoop then you jumped in a hula hoop and kicked a ball into a goal – CM

We had to get the materials and then made an obstacle course. We did a good job at understanding what to do -RJ


We were doing quizes on time, and we marked our friends jotter. We got to tick it, and you got to write if you did something good and the next step. I liked marking my friends jotter – KG

We made a paper clock to help us with the work. We practised half past, quarter past and quarter to. I was good at making sure that the work is neat – EwH

Its called half past because the minute hand goes half way across the clock. Its called quarter past because the minute hand goes quarter way.  Its called quarter to because it had to travel quarter way to 12 – AW

Making Notes

This is things we had to do in our writing , pink bits were the challenges the yellow bits were the things you had to do – AC

We had to listen to the Tingatinga video and find the key words, I liked that we had to listen to the video – ErH

I knew what to write because I looked at the titles and listened very carefully to the video – CS

We will be writing a character description using our notes next week!

‘an’ or ‘a’?

We learned the vowels which is a o e u and i, and then you look at a  word if thats not a vowel you put a if it is you put a an – MC

You needed to write in the gap, we were learning about a and an. So you had to make sure it sounded like it made sense. Like ‘a orange’ doesn’t make sense but ‘a dog’ makes sense – IK

We needed to fill in some sentences, if it was a vowel then it would be an if it was not a vowel it will be a. For my group we needed to use the word because in the sentences – GC

Tingatinga art


We were making the background in Tingatinga style . It is called that because its the second name of the person who made the art- GK

We were not using random pattern, we had to use African patterns – MC

We used chalk to do the background and we used chalk to add detail to our pictures -GC

I used paint to paint inside the animal, I used a skinny brush to do the detail – OR

I used yellow and orange and different bright colours – AW



We had to write the sentence in the right area, I added a capital letter and a full stop – AA


A story map tells you information so you don’t have to read the full book.  It includes the main things in the story – EwH

We got to add interesting vocabulary into our story maps, like ‘frosty snow’ or ‘brilliant warm sunshine’.


Someone else in your group makes a sentence from our reading book then you need to put it in order – RJ

We had to put the instructions in order,  there’s one that says first and one that says that finally that came last. The pictures helped because they matched the words.  We got to use the instructions to make a moving cat – ErH