
Our new topic is about Africa – HR

We voted on it – RS

K means you what you already know, W means you want to know something – AW

We do this so we don’t learn the same thing again, and if we write what we want to do maybe we can do it in school – GK


I did mixed up 2, 3 4 and 5 times tables. And it was very hard, but I got them all correct – GK

We were doing the five times table on the board, it made a straight line pattern – OR

I was using a drawing pad to draw 11 sets of 3 – KG

We had play hit the button to practise our 4 times table, I liked it because it had a timer – MJA






If there’s a verb, its a word to describe the verb. It makes the sentence better because it describes it better for the person reading – AP


A thesaurus helps you find better words for just a plain word. I used it to find words for the  – GC


wa saying wo

We put the sound in the box – CS

I used alphabet blocks, you needed to find the right ones to make your words on the board. I like it because you need to find the letters – CM


I had to paint my spelling words, I choose this task because I like doing arts and craft and using paint – AC

So we had to look at the spelling words, then pick a dictionary to find the word. We looked at the first letter, then found the page, then looked at the second letter to find the word. Dictionary is used to tell the meaning of a word you don’t know -MZ

You needed to circle the ‘wa’ words – RJ

We had to put the words in the right order and the letters were jumbled – AA


Reading Tasks

Everyday we practise some core literacy skills. Here is one our task boards.


For word games we have to make a sentence from the word we get – AA

We write down words from our book and copy them, there is a box to practise them using different active spelling. The lines are for making a story or sentence – BL

You have to say go to a number page, and then your partner says find a word that stars with b, then you have to look for the word that starts with that letter – AC

soft g

I like rainbow writing because I like the colours of the rainbow, it helps me because when I have very pretty writing I remember. Its fun and I like to be creative – IK

So we had to write the alphabet down, we had our words and had to spell it out. We jumped on the letters to make our words. I liked it because I like to jump and it helps me remember my words – AW

We used tyres, rocks, tree sticks and we had to make our hard spelling words because it helped us remember – CK

Building our toys

We had to wait over night for the glue to dry and then we could glue things on again the next day – RS

We used pompoms and lots of recycled rubbish to help our environment – GC

We are using different colours of paint and plastic bottles, we are making a bunny – NM