Decisions in business

Decision means choosing something.

We have been looking at the toy industry, and ways people can persuade you to buy things.

Here are two posters, we had to pick which one is better and say why.

We’re having a focus on digital literacy and looking at Toy Story. We watched a clip and wrote down notes on the good features about each toy.

We’re designing our own posters to persuade a buyer to buy either Woody or Buzz.

This is the things we need to do to be successful. We decided as a class what it should be.

Here are some works in progress:

Growth Mindset

Mistakes are important and help us learn. We sorted the statements into a growth and fixed mindset. Growth mindsets means your brain gets bigger because you learn and get better. Fixed mindset means you get stuck.

Here are some skills we have learned through mistakes.

Food Chain

In science we are learning about food chains. We learned about food chains that have a coco bean as a producer. There was some new vocabulary we learned like; predator, prey, consumer and producer.

Here is some our art work to show the food chains.


We learned how easily germs can spread. Gregor made a (vegan) chocolate strawberry treat with black paint on his hands to represent germs, they got everywhere!

We decided to take preventative measures to make sure we do not spread germs. So we:

  • washed all the equipment
  • washed our hands
  • only touched our own food
  • cleaned up any mess left behind

We know that germs can make you sick. You can get a sore head, stomach, a fever or a rash from spreading germs. Now we know how to stop germs spreading when preparing food.


RME – Parables

In RME we have bee looking at Parables which are Christian stories from the bible. The children have been making the story, and then retelling in the correct order

Creation Story:


The Lost Coin:

The Mustard Seed: