All our families

We looked at lion pride, and what different family members do to help and care for each other.

We discussed how our family members help us:

  • My cousins come and play and laugh with me – HR
  • My mum and dad make me dinner – EwH
  • My mum drives me to places – KG
  • My Gran picks me up from school -CS

We also talked about what we do to help our family members:

  • I help my sister to stir things when we’re baking because she is small and cant do it by herself – GC
  • I help my brother and cousin with their homework – AC
  • I help with the dishes -AA

Here are some family portraits !

Toy design challenge

As a class we have been decoding the learning intention so we know exactly what we are learning.

We have been watching a show called Bamzooki where children design virtual creatures to complete specific challenges.

We have been put into groups and given a challenge, we will design our own ‘zook’ toy then create a model of it!

The challenges are knocking down as many sticks in 30 seconds, hurdles and a strength challenge.

We sorted animals that have features suitable for the task into each group. This will help give us design ideas for our zook.

We are using Chromebooks to draw and design our toys.

‘ea’ revision

You need to paint your spelling words, and its really fun because you get to pick your colour -GK

I made my spelling words with coloured blocks, I got the box of cubes and found the letters to make the words – NM

The teacher puts shaving foam on the tray then you try to write your words in the shaving foam. I like it because its fun. – OR

You listened to what it says then you type it in, then it shows you if you got it correct . Its pretty fun. – CM

You have to choose the correct one. A sound box helps you sound it sound it out – BL


In Maths we have been working on money.

Using the textbook was a challenge for me but I got the numicon and Miss Asif to help me with my answer.

Working out change was a challenge sometimes, I did a vertical subtraction on my board to help me.

Past tense

Some of us have been continuing to practise changing words into past tense.

Past tense means it already happened, for example if I did something yesterday.

We got to use the board for our activity. I like it because I can choose the colours and its fun.

We even self assessed!