w.b. 26.09.22 Maths week – The Beauty of Maths


As part of Maths Week we had great fun looking for symmetry in our Woodland and outdoor areas. We sorted objects into symmetrical and asymmetrical piles, and couldn’t believe what we found! Symmetry is all around us – in leaves, flowers and many more. We then worked with a partner to create our own symmetrical pictures using natural materials.

STEMazing challenge

We took part in a live event ran by Anne Okafor who is a Construction planner with the Cruden Group. Our challenge was to build a base to hold as many books as we could. First of all we created 4 columns using triangular shapes, but found the base quickly collapsed with the many corners making it weak. We then tried again using round columns, with us being amazed at how many more books our new design could hold.

Pyramid challenge

After the success of our STEMazing challenge we then had a go at making our own Egyptian pyramids. First of all we made 2 pyramids; 1 square based and 1 triangular based to find out which design was stronger. We found that the square base was sturdier, which helped us then take part in our next challenge which was to build the tallest pyramid we could. This involved lots of trial and error and Miss Muir was delighted with the excellent team working skills and growth mindset attitudes throughout.


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