W.b. 12.09.22 Word hunts and Pharaohs


This week we have been revising the ue, ew and u_e sounds. We had great fun going on a word hunt around our class to find the different words! We have also been continuing our work on alphabetical order and writing our own imaginary stories about our ‘dream’ island.


This week we kept working on rounding numbers to the nearest ten and had fun playing some games to put our skills to the test. We have also been learning to use grid references when finding locations on a map.

Ancient Egypt

As part of this weeks outdoor learning, we had a go at making our own secret messages in hieroglyphics using chalk. Our partner then had to try and decode what we had written!

Some of our class have brought in books to share, which has been fantastic to find out more about Ancient Egypt. This week we have focused on the role of Pharaohs and some famous ones e.g. Cleopatra






P. E

Here are some action shots of us working on aiming at a target. We worked on looking at our target and judging how hard to kick/ throw/ roll items depending on how far away they were.

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