W.b. 29.08.22 Ancient Egypt and Giving Directions


This week we have enjoyed getting back to our reading and revising some of our sounds. In the pictures underneath we were revisiting alphabetical order and did a great job with getting everyone in our class into the correct order!


As well as some more place value revision, we have also been learning how to follow and give directions. Learning our lefts and rights, as well as quarter, half and full turns has helped us with using maps to give our friends directions.







New Topic

We were super excited to start our new Ancient Egypt topic. So far we have learned that Egypt is at the top of Africa and that life was very different 5,000 years ago. In the next few weeks we will be learning all about life in Ancient Egypt and its exciting history.

Yesterday we talked about different sources of information and how they can teach us about the past. Yesterday we became archaeologists, with us looking at different artefacts and thinking about what they could be and who they might have belonged to. We are now going to carry out some research to find out more.

P. E.

P3A did a fantastic job with keeping control of the ball when dribbling and passing it to a partner. As part of our possession games focus we had a go at ‘piggy in the middle’, with us trying to get the ball past our friend in the middle.


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